Chapter 10

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The time spent apart had soon been forgotten by Carlisle and Spencer. They resumed their relationship as if those two weeks had never occurred – the only reminder were the slowly healing scars forming on her forearm. The greatest difference was that Spencer's curiosity for the supernatural had been pricked. She had become overly interested in the world her boyfriend and her brother were a part of.

In reality, she felt she needed all intel available to her regarding the life she could partake in on a future date. Rosalie's words marinated in her head constantly. As much as she loved Carlisle, she was young, and – although she hadn't given it much thought in the past – Spencer wasn't sure she could grieve a future she could still have. The question that seemed to trample over all others: was her love for Carlisle stronger than her desire for an unknown future?

Most days she pushed her questions down, choosing to spend her time with Carlisle enjoying the present moment.

The pair were laying on the bed Carlisle had bought recently. The pitter-patter of the rain against the window was working to work the human girl to sleep, the circles he was drawing on her back only adding to the feeling.

"It's weird that you don't sleep," she mumbled. Spencer's eyes were growing heavier as she talked, her blinking getting slower by the second. "What do you do at night?"

"Well, normally I would read or catch up on cases from the hospital," he started. "Now I, I still read, but I also enjoy listening to your heartbeat as I do."

"You watch me sleep?"

"Sometimes," Carlisle confessed with a smile. "Mostly I just like to listen to your heartbeat, your steady breathing, and the sporadic nonsense you mutter at times. It's... calming."

"I talk in my sleep?" I giggled. "It's the first time anyone has said anything. What do I say?"

"Not much, darling. It truly is just nonsensical mutterings."

"Mmm," she muttered. Her eyes had fluttered close, her breathing slowing and evening out.

It had been a tiring day for the both of them, more Spencer than Carlisle. The emergency room had run rampant with flu and cold cases, allergy season running its hand through the town. As back-to-school slowly commenced, contagious illnesses were being passed around like a one-dollar bill. Case after case had trickled into the white walls of the hospital, filling the air with coughs and sniffles. The only time Spencer had gotten a break was for a twenty-minute lunch Carlisle had joined her on.

Spencer's feet were tired, her back was sore, and, if she was honest, her throat was feeling a bit scratchy. The last thing she wanted was to be sick but working at a hospital there was always going to be a high probability of contracting any illness. Even if she took all precautions, the stats just weren't on her side.

"Good night, Spence," Carlisle whispered to Spencer's sleeping body. He slipped out of the bed, pulling the white sheets to keep her body covered. "I love you."

At nights, Carlisle would often sneak out of bed. Since he did not need sleep, staying in the room was useless. He preferred utilizing the hours of the night to catch up on the never-ending files from the hospital or going down his endless list of books to read. Passing the time with mindless activities was something he was masterly adept at.

Sometimes he'd sit in front of the fireplace in his office and imagine a life he could've had. He would let his gaze blur on the flames as his brain concocted images of an alternate universe in which he was still human; where he could be the age he actually was and age as time went on; where he met Spencer as a just-out-of-school doctor, maybe they'd even meet in med school; where Spencer and he would have a long and beautiful relationship together; where they got married; where they had a couple of kids; where they grew old together, happily.

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