Chapter 7

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It was Saturday.

It was finally Saturday and Spencer felt exactly like she had for her first date with Carlisle. The past two days she spent falling into a nervous spiral where she thought the best option was for her to cancel the whole endeavor. A few phone calls to Carlisle and she decided to go through with it. As the relationship progressed, sooner or later she would need to meet them.

Spencer felt a sense of déjà vu as she looked upon her bed the plethora of outfits, none of which seemed apt for the event. She wished there were someone, anyone, that she could confide in about her worries and much-needed dating advice. It's not like she could go to her mother and ask her what to wear to meet the adopted teenagers of her 26-year-old boyfriend... and the woman that's helping him raise them. She couldn't lie, she was intimidated by this unknown person that knew everything about Carlisle.

But she was determined to enter the lion's den, dressed in a navy-blue dress and red jewelry. Her makeup was simple, neutral colors to accentuate her features, but boldly went with a matte red lip. Spencer put her hair in a braid, wanting it off her face – it would help to limit the nervous fidgeting she partook in. Finally, she decided to wear ankle boots, not wanting a height difference to attribute to any possible accidents. First impressions were important, and this one would be a critical one in her new relationship — whether Carlisle's family accepted her or not would be the difference between a long-lasting connection and a short-lived affair.

She was thankful her mother had to work today. Hiding the fact that she was dating someone older than her had proven to be difficult, but that he was rumored to be married had been a major plight. Talk around the town had already sprouted of the amount of time the Uley girl spent with the Forks doctor — hearsay declaring that she had started an illicit affair with the older man. Thankfully, the whispers had yet to fall upon her mother's ear, and to the eyes of the majority Spencer had simply sought out Carlisle as a mentor in the medical field. At first, she couldn't handle the stares and murmurs as she walked down the halls of Forks Hospital or the judging gaze from locals when they saw the pair together outside of the building.

Carlisle was used to the mumbles out of strangers' mouths and the carping eyes that followed him everywhere he went. But he could see how it was bothering Spencer, and he did all he could to appease her wandering thoughts. He reiterated how regardless of the existence of the previous gossip that surrounded him, people would find a way to find fault in their relationship. Every time he noted her discomfort around others, he would lead her into an isolated corner where he could gift her with a comforting kiss and a soft cheek caress. She always leaned into the touch and her nervousness seemed to dissipate as soon as their lips touched. More than once the conversation came up of how they could eliminate the talks from the root, ensuring they wouldn't germinate one more. But it was all easier said than done. How could they change the minds of everyone in town? For now, they would have to bear the glances and the whispers for the time being.

The cook on her bedroom wall indicated that six o'clock was getting closer and closer. Spencer looked at herself once more in the mirror, making sure everything she had on was perfect. Downstairs, she grabbed the plate of brownies she had made, the flowers she had bought, and the wine bottle she had managed to convince her mother to get. Before leaving, she put a light jacket on, grabbed her purse, and checked that she locked the door three times.

"Where are you going that dressed up?" Spencer jumped at the sound of Paul's voice.

"Paul, hey. Nowhere special, really."

"Nowhere special. Looking like that? I don't think so," he chuckled. It seemed like the old Paul was back — cocky and jocose. "Come on, where you really going?"

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