Chapter 19

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Spencer felt guilt surging through her as she knocked on the door of the Swan residence. She knew she had been in pain. That just like Bella she had been abandoned by the person they thought was the love of their life. But she had crawled out of the dark hole she had sunk into, fighting tooth and nail against everything that wanted to keep her down. Although, she could still feel their claws scraping at her skin, breathing down her neck, and whispering their return.

But even if she still wasn't a hundred percent healed and she still cried herself to sleep on the nights she was alone, she wanted to at least help Bella take the first step out.

"Spencer," Charlie smiled. "Thank you for coming over."

"Of course, Charlie. I just wanna make sure Bella gets better, or at least start to."

"I've been meaning to ask you. And you don't have to answer if you don't want to," he stammered slightly. "Before the Cullens left, there was talk in the town about the doctor. You know, about who he was seeing..."

"You're wondering if we were together?" Spencer smiled, pushing down the sadness that was threatening to spill out with her words. "Well, I'll let you know that those rumors were true. And, yes, just like Bella, he broke up with me and left. I'm guessing that's why you asked me to talk to her."

"It is," he smiled awkwardly. "I'm not usually keen on small-town gossip, but I'd heard that you had been in a funk since they left, and I put two and two together. And seeing how well you're doing now, I needed to throw out a hail Mary and see if you could help Bella."

"It's okay, Charlie. I knew that people talked about us," she said reassuringly. "And though it's been hard, with the help of my friends and family, I was able to start piecing myself back together. I only hope I can help do the same with Bella."

"I hope so to," he breathed defeatedly. "I have to run out to work right now but you can help yourself to anything in the kitchen or you can get some pizza, or even take Bella to the diner. I'll cover the whole tab."

"I think we'll manage, Charlie. But thank you," she chuckled. "I'm no miracle worker but I will try my best."

"That is all I can ask," he said. "You probably won't be here when I get back, so I'm gonna thank you again for trying with Bella. I'm glad that she has people in her corner like you."

"She will always have a friend in me."

Spencer waved the man away as he left the house, pointing her upstairs in the direction of Bella. With the man gone the house was eerily quiet. If she hadn't known the other girl was in her room, she would have thought Charlie had left her in an empty house. There was no sign of life. And she hated how familiar that felt.

She walked up the creaky stairs, bracing herself for whatever version of Isabella Swan she would be faced with. She knew what losing yourself in heartache looked and felt like, and it was not pretty.

The door to Bella's room was open, still no indication of movement, and for a second Spencer felt like she was intruding into someone's privacy. Until she saw the girl's figure as still as a statue on the far end of her bedroom staring out the window.

Bella looked paler than usual, her cheeks slightly sunken and her eyes wearing dark bags under them. She hadn't been sleeping or eating well and it was evident on her body. If someone had told her that the Swan girl had not moved from that chair in months, she would have believed them.

"Hey, Bella." Spencer's voice startled her. The girl jumped as though her systems had jump-started at the sound of another presence. "Don't know if your dad told you but he asked me to come over. I know we haven't seen each other in a while."

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