Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"Senior year is going to be off the wall!" My best friend, Cera squeals.

There's a bustling around us in the familiar, crowded hallways. First day back at Roosevelt High.

The outdoor school, with its aged buildings and large stairs, is all back. All after two months of freedom. Bitter sweet, I'd say.

"Class of '75 right here, make way, excuse me!" I say with bold confidence.

Cera giggles. "The bell's about to ring. Have you found Collin yet?"

Collin. Why would she even bring him up? It's like there's never an escape.

I roll my eyes. "No. And I'm not going on a hunt for him either, Cera."

"Aniko," she sighs, "I don't know how you haven't noticed, but Collin is the hottest and the most popular guy in our grade! I don't know why you two haven't hooked up yet."

"I'm not interested. I've been trying to hint it to him for three years!" I exclaim.

"Oh, I call bullshit! You haven't wondered how it would be like to date Collin Beal? Bullshit, Aniko. What, does your dad not let you date either?"

I snort. "He's a Reverend, Cer. Almost the whole school goes to his church, including you! He knows that I wouldn't try to sneak a boyfriend behind his strict religious self!"

"You are a senior. At least you have hope for getting a date to prom. Give him a chance! I mean, come on. He's hot!" Cera says.

"I'm not going to talk about him right now, in fact-"

"Aniko?" A voice asks behind me. I swivel around.

Oh, God. The man of the hour.

"Hey Collin," I say quietly while rubbing my arm uncomfortably.

"See you in first period," Cera whispers and winks before leaving us alone.

"What's up?"

I shrug. "Um. First day back.." I say awkwardly.

"Right." He clears his throat and rocks back and forth on the balls of his feet. I cannot lie. But he is good looking. "Listen, me and some of the guys from the football team are coming over to my house. It'd be awesome if you could come too."

Let me think. Huge, tall buff guys and just me, listening to them talk about other girls and fight over sports while unattractively devouring snack foods? No.

And I'm glad I've got a legitimate reason to get out of this.

"Doubt it." I soon as I say it, Collin's face falls. "I've got track practice today, I can't miss the first practice of the season."

He nods disappointedly. "Okay. Well I'll talk to you after school?"

I just smile and use the now ringing bell as an excuse to make it to my first period class.

I look down at my black flats as I walk through the halls. The ones I was forced to get while all the other girls, even the freshmen, could get the cute high-heeled sandals that I've wanted so badly.

I practically begged my father to wear this skirt and blouse to school today. If it were up to him, I'd be coming to school everyday with a trench coat on.

I roll my eyes inwardly. That'll happen.

I walk into Room 37 where Cera has already saved a seat for me. I take it behind her and she turns around to face me, while the whole class brightens friendships that went dull over summer break.

"He totally asked you on a date, right? Am I right?" She interrogates.

"Well, kind of." I tell her about the casual invite I was given.

She glares at me. "And you said no? What the hell Aniko!"

Before I can explain myself, the bell rings and class has started.

The teacher is an older man who I haven't seen around before. He must be new.

"Um, Sea-rah Boothe?" Mr. Miles, which I read off the board, calls out with uncertainty.

"It's another way of spelling Sarah, thanks." She says with a bit of an attitude.

"Oh. Why did your parents choose to spell it that way?"

"I don't know! My name is Cera okay? Just learn it!" She snaps.

I suppress a snicker with the rest of the class as she hisses, "Damn!" This is why she's my best friend.

The teacher looks a bit stunned but nevertheless he moves down the list.

"Aniko Day." I lazily raise a hand up to signify my presence.

"Tell your Dad great sermon last Sunday," the teacher smiles as I awkwardly nod.

It's no kidding that everyone goes to the church. Gary is so small, everyone knows the Pastor's daughter. I can't even slack off a little bit. Damn..

I glance around my Marine Biology class. My eyes glaze over someone with a huge afro, and I have to do a double take.

There is no way.

Why is he in this class? Why is he back here? What on earth... I thought his family moved to California. Encino.

Why does he look so much cuter? No, this can't be happening.

Damn damn damn!

I immediately pull out a sheet of paper and scribble a message down for Cera.

Umm, look who's back? It reads.

I fold it up sloppily and fling it in her hood. "Read it!" I hiss frantically in her ear.

She reaches behind her and pulls out the crumpled sheet. Her eyes widen as she turns back to me, after spotting him on the other side of the room.

"Do you think he saw me? Do you?" I ask her as the teacher continues calling names.

"I don't know. But why is he back?"

"No idea." I sigh.

"I wonder if he'll be obsessed with you like he used to be. But holy God, he got cute!"

That I can't deny. He's still got those brown eyes and his afro has grown too.

Is it bad that maybe I want him to still be obsessed with me? We've been childhood friends for the longest and he had always liked me, it was so clear.

Now? Even though he's just a sophomore I bet he can get any girl he wants, with that insane attractiveness.

"Michael Jackson."

"Here, sir." He flashes that smile and I nearly melt.

"Why is he so hot?" I ask myself.

But by the heads turning toward me, I realize that I didn't speak quietly.

One of those heads is Michael's.


Oh my god. I want to disappear.


New story alert! And before you ask, YES, I will be continuing my other stories. So many people have been asking for new ones so here you go!

~Joy ✌️

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