Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

I roll my eyes. Awesome.

And the award for greatest snitch of all time goes to none other than my own sister.

How would she even know we were skipping class if she wasn't watching us?

I roll my eyes once again. She was watching Michael.

I sigh and look at a fuming Principal Allan. Here we go.

His glare never leaving the two of us, he pulls out a notepad and clicks the pen that was tucked in his suit, scribbling something down.

"Jackson, first offense." He rips the sheet out of the pad and hands it to Michael. I look over his shoulder. It's a detention slip.

"Miss Day," Principal Allan gives me a sarcastic smile. "I don't even want to begin to count how many offenses you've committed."

I can't help that the people at this school suck. Sometimes I can't hold my tongue.

I open my mouth to speak but by the rude look he's giving me, I shut up right away.

He again scribbles and rips the sheet out, thrusting it in my direction.

I look down at it, my eyes racing across the yellow slip.

My eyes nearly pop out of their sockets.

Detention after school for one hour and a half. Three days. Effective immediately.

"Principal Allan, this may sound really bad, but I can't go to detention."

He raises his eyebrow at me. I know his surprised look is feigned because I try to come up with an excuse every time I get into trouble.

"Oh? And why not?"

"You see, I've got track after school which I love to do. Can I make it up before school?"

"I'm afraid not Aniko. You need to pay for your actions."

"Hey! Wait a minute!" I shout, interrupting the principal as I remember Yani is still here.

"She shouldn't be off the hook like that. For her to have caught us, that means she was skipping class too!"

She glowers at me at purses her lips. I can't remember the last time she smiled.

The principal turned to her.

"Miss Day has a point." And yet again, he writes another detention slip for Yani.

"Now get to class! And if I catch you again, you're not going to like it."

I groan and turn my attention to Michael as he stalks away.

"I'm so sorry Michael. I didn't mean for any of this to happen," I apologize.

He smiles at me. "Don't worry about it. Getting in trouble with you is definitely worth it."

I blush and direct my gaze away from him. He takes my chin and looks in my eyes.

"See you in detention, troublemaker." He smirks and strolls away.

Maybe detention won't be that bad.

A couple of seconds later, the hallway floods with students and I don't get the chance to curse out Yani like I wanted to.

I shrug, hurrying to my next class.


The last bell of the day rings, and instead of me making my way to the parking lot, I make my way to the classroom at the end of the school; the detention classroom.

It's always so cold in here. The air just feels... weird. I breathe in and walk into the classroom.

Michael is already here. I grin and make my way toward him when the teacher announces her presence by slamming a yard stick on her desk.

I jump, holding my pumping chest. "Shit! What the fuck!"

"There will be no profanity in this room! Am I understood?" She barks.

I huff and nod my head. "Sorry. Sure," I mumble.

"Your assigned seat is right here." She slaps the yardstick down on a desk across the room from Michael.

He looks at me apologetically, like he should have warned me.

I gave him a weak smile and a shrug.

I slump in it and throw my bag on the desk, laying my head against it when Yani walks in.

She gets her assigned seat and the ninety, torturous minutes begin.


"You all are free to go!" She yells as the detention session is over.

I get out of my desk quickly, stumbling to the door.

Michael meets me as Yani fast walks ahead of us.

"Well I had the worst time of my life," He smiles.

"Tell me about it," I sigh. "Actually... don't."

We laugh and push open the double doors.

"I think Cera's still at school for track, she can give us a ride."

Michael shakes his head. "I'd rather just walk with you."

"Yeah, sure."

We start a long conversation about how his life was in Encino. The performances, rehearsals, the fans, the many sleepless nights.

"Even people here at school have asked me for my autograph. I'm so grateful, but at the same time..." He stops, trying to find the right words.

"I get it, you're a shy star." I sum it up for him.

He smiles. "Yeah, you do get it."

We talk about my plans after high school. "I want to be a psychologist, if making it to the Olympics doesn't work out."

Michael grins. "That sounds great."

"Right?" Then my smile slowly fades. "Of course, my dad doesn't approve. He wants me to be a pastor just like him."

"Talk to him. Tell him that you want to be in control of your life."

I smile sadly. "I've tried that countless times. Not working out so far."

He looks at me. "It'll be okay."

We walk in silence for some time, and we turn onto our road. He lives four houses down from me.

"I'm really happy we went right back to being friends after all the time apart."

I smile. "Me too. You're still pretty awesome," I giggle as we near my home.

"I'll walk you up." We walk up the steps to the front porch and I smile at him. "It was a nice walk."

"See you tomorrow?"

I nod. "You got it."

I tilt my head up and kiss him gently, loving the fact that he wasn't so much taller than me.

He eagerly returns my kiss, laying his hands on my waist.

Just then, the front door opens.

My father is standing there with a stern face.

Panicked, Michael and I pull away from each other and he clears his throat.

"I was... just leaving sir." He says.

Then he gives me a little wave and hurries down the steps.

I dare to look back at my dad.

"Inside." He says shortly.


Chapter 6




~Joy ✌️

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