Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

"Two missed calls." My mother says as I walk through the door.

I had skipped class for the rest of the school day, missing four periods, but decided to go to track practice. That way, my day wouldn't be a complete failure.

But maybe I should've just come home. I couldn't concentrate during practice. Even the coach noticed, and she told me to take tomorrow afternoon off.

I push out of my mind the loads of work that I know I have, and how I should have just went to class.

But how could I with such a heavy heart?

My mother glances at me, looking a bit concerned. It's like she knows there's an issue, but doesn't want to be the one to start up the chat.

I glance back at her. We look nothing alike.

She has a small, 5'4 frame, mocha colored skin, and shoulder-length midnight black hair. Her eyes are light brown and her thin lips in an almost permanent line, except when she smiles.

She doesn't smile as much as she used to.

I then look away and kick off my tennis shoes, dropping my sports bag next to the door, which I know my father will fuss at me for later, once he gets home from bible study.

I'm becoming more and more indifferent each day.

If he wants to scream, he can be my guest and go ahead. Not much matters anymore.

I can't get what Michael said out of my head. It's just stuck in the forefront of my thoughts. Well, at least I know how he really feels about me now. It's better to be real than to be pretentious with somebody.

Even if being truthful cuts you deep.

"From?" I ask her.

"Both from Michael."

My stomach churns wildly when she utters his name. He was the last person I'd expect to call me. Did he not remember what he said to me earlier today? Does he think nothing of it?

"What did you tell him?" I ask her.

"That you'll call him back once you get home."

"God, no! Mom! Why would you say that?" I groan, sitting on the second step of the stairs and fisting my brown, now frizzy, hair.

"Aniko, that boy is crazy about you. At least give him the time of day." She replies, busying herself by tidying up the already cleaned kitchen.

I lift my head up to look at her. "If he is so crazy about me, then why would he call me a hoe?"

My mother drops the dish cloth she had in her hand, shock overtaking her face before she quickly bends to pick it up.

"He did what now?"

I roll my eyes, frustrated at the world. At everything. "He did say he wanted to apologize for something." Mother says.

I scoot closer to the wall to make room for my mother to sit next to me on the step.

"Look Aniko, I know you don't want to talk about it. I can see that clearly in your eyes, so I won't pester you about the details. But just know that young love always hurts the most. I don't know that much about it, since I met your father when I was 27. But I've heard how much it hurts. Just know that you'll always find your destiny, and it may or may not be a boy." She takes hold of my hand.

I chew on her words for a few moments.

She's right.

Who needs love?

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