Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

I try to keep my breathing under control as Collin speeds into the parking lot of the hospital.

"What's going on?" He asks me as I try to find out what to do with my shaking hands.

"I'll tell you later, just unlock the car!"

As soon as I hear the click, I shove open the car door and bolt into the hospital entrance.

Already knowing her room number, I hurry to 314, trying to push the scenarios out of my mind.

"Sophie!" I gasp and barge into her room.

Her eyes fly open in shock.

"What's up with you?" She asks.

I analyze the room. Everybody is calm. Two doctors were standing over Sophie.

"I-what's going on? I thought-"

"False alarm. We thought her iron levels were dropping dangerously. She's alright."

"Thank god," I whisper and walk over to her bedside.

"Did you freak out Ani?" She giggles.

I hold my hand to my chest. "Yeah. Yeah, I was very scared. I'm glad you're okay."

She smiles at me. "Why are you so dressed up?"

I glance down at my attire. "I was actually at my prom." I tell her.

She points at my face. "You should be one of those Disney princesses. But you're missing a tiara. Can you get one?"

I pat her shoulder. "Yes, I can get one. And another one for you too because you are a better princess than I'll ever be."


After calming myself all the way down in the restroom, I make my way back to Sophie's room to say goodbye, knowing that Collin is still waiting outside for me.

I accidentally bump into a woman while pushing the door open.

"I'm sorry-" I glance at her and take a long pause.

It's like I'm frozen in time. She stares back at me, her eyebrows slightly furrowed in confusion, or maybe creeped out that I'm staring at her.

I bite the side of my lip in thought, and then suddenly, it clicked.

"Zara?" I whisper. "No, it can't be."

I look at her face again, and tears have collected in her eyes. "It's me."

"Holy shit, Zara!" I squeal and throw my arms around her.

"Aniko, my baby sister. It's been... what? Ten years since I've seen you?"

"This is insane. What are you- where have you been? Why are you here?"

We pull away from our tight embrace.

"My husband wanted to visit his nephew who's admitted here."

"Husband!? Fuck, you're married. Zara... I feel like a terrible little sister. I mean, come on. I wasn't even there for your wedding. Your wedding."

"You know it isn't your fault. Don't blame yourself."

"Dad doesn't even let us say your name under his roof, let alone talk about you. I felt so in the dark about how you were doing, like a piece of me was missing. And what hurt the most is that I couldn't show it."

She sighs and grabs me into another hug, and during this time I reminisce those old times.

For as long as I can remember, Zara used to live with us. Everything was fine in our family, until she turned sixteen and found someone she really cared about.

Our father was completely against her relationship with her high school sweetheart.

Fed up, Zara ran away with him. That was ten years ago.

Dad made it perfectly clear that we were never to mention her name, talk about her, or ask where she went.

The day she left, she gave me a hug and a kiss on a cheek.

"We'll see each other before you know it."

And she left.

I remember myself, a scared eight year-old who thought she had lost her closest companion for good.

Until now. And now that's she's right in front of me, I'm not going to let her go.

We end up catching up about our lives. I learn that she's been married for seven years, to her same sweetheart. She's a music producer and currently lives in California.

Someone else lives in California.

"So, why are you all dressed up, by the way?" Zara points to my outfit.

"Oh, well, today's my prom night," I sigh.

She gasps dramatically. "How's the lucky guy?"

My mouth opens, and at the same time, my name is called behind me.


I turn around and see and see Collin jogging toward me.

"Are you okay? You scared me back there."

I nod. "Yeah, I'm fine. Everything is fine."

He breathes a sigh of relief. "Thank god. Do you want me to take you home? It's getting late."

"Sorry to butt in, sorry, I'm her older sister. Are you her boyfriend?"

"If she lets me. I would love to be," Collin's eyes twinkle.

My cheeks heat up and I tear my eyes away from Collin. Because he looks.. really great in that tux. And there's this weird sinking feeling in my chest, like I'm not supposed to think that.

"I didn't know you had an older sister, Ani."

"Long story," I breathe. "Listen, I'm really sorry for screwing up your night. It's senior prom and I know you deserve better."

He shakes his head. "Are you kidding me? Just watching you, and dancing with you, made my night. Trust me."

Then he leans in swiftly and kisses the corner of my mouth.

I'm frozen in shock when he leans back again.

"I'll wait for you up front."

He pushes his hands in his pockets and walks back down the hallway.

And the whole time, Zara has a small smirk on her face.

"Not bad sis. Not bad," She laughs.

"Oh, geez," I whisper and slide my hand down my face.

We start down the hallway.

"So, how's dad doing?"

I shrug. "He's alright. Mom's good too."

She gives me a sympathetic glance. "I wish I could see her again."

I frown, confused. "You can? Just come home with me."

She pauses and looks at me, then gasps suddenly.

"They never told you." She says softly, her hands covering her mouth.

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Aniko. Mom's been dead for eighteen years."

I feel the wind knocked right out of me.


Chapter 20

It's been forever. I know.

~Joy ✌🏼️

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