Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

That night was about a week ago.

Love took us through the hours, and it was nothing like I'd ever felt.

It turned my bad day into one of the greatest, for just a little while.

When he kissed me and left that night, I cried. For a few reasons.

I felt so lonely. It was like I needed him next to me just to breathe, from that moment on.

I felt so guilty. I tried to convince myself that we're young, we were passionate, and in the moment. And it just happened.

But deep in my heart, I know that's not the case.

I know full well that it was not a mistake. How could it have been?

The only way it can be explained is love. Neither of us are that spontaneous.

What would my parents think if they ever found out? They couldn't. They'd disown me. I know that.

So, Michael and I mutually decided not to tell anyone. We figured that Michael would most likely get skinned alive too. Plus, personal things like this should stay under wraps, between two lovers.

I finally set the record straight with Collin this past week, telling him that I would not accompany him to homecoming.

He should have known better than to ask me that.

What an ass.

Why you when I've got Michael Jackson?

It's Saturday morning. The dance is a week from today.

I haven't found my dress, my shoes, jewelry, nothing.

I'm under the impression that Michael isn't going to ask me, and maybe we'll just spend that evening together at his house or something.

When I told Cera this, she practically screamed.

"Oh, he's gonna ask you alright!"

I breathe in and open my eyes slowly, pushing myself off of Michael's chest.

I remember what happened. After school yesterday, I went home with him and his siblings and I had a water balloon war. Then Michael and I went to his room and watched Pinocchio.

We must've fallen asleep.

I breathe in again and feel Michael rustling next to me.

He opens his eyes slowly to look at me and I can't help but smile.

He smiles back. "Did we-"

"No." I assure him quickly, putting distance between us in the bed. "No."

We haven't been able to bring ourselves to the topic of what happened. It's kind of suspended in the air. Neither of us knew what to say. It was too meaningful for words to take care of. We both understood that, so we leave it alone for now.

He tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear. "Good morning Ani."

I grin and kiss his cheek before swinging my legs over the bed and getting to my feet.

I stretch my arms and legs out with a deep exhale.

"Is it cool if I shower here?"

He nods and I walk to the bathroom, shutting the door behind me.

I grab a spare toothbrush from the cabinet to clean and rinse my teeth.

Then as I shower, I hear the door open and then close again.

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