Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

I'm never the type of person to just sit around and do nothing when I don't like a certain something in my life. I figure my best option is to try and change it. And if I don't succeed, at least I gave it effort.

My relationship with Michael didn't start off like I imagined and hoped it would.

Dad came home two days after Michael became my boyfriend. Mother told him all about that night, but not what Joseph said, because she wasn't there.

Though Dad is not directly telling me to end things with Michael, which, to me, was a surprise, he's trying to make me feel guilty about being with him.

"You know Aniko, that married couples who never dated in high school will stay together longer? I'm sure you want to have a long marriage."

To that, or to some sort of variation of that, I would excuse myself from the room.

Does he not like the idea of me being happy? Can't he accept the fact that Michael makes me happy?

As if that's not enough, Michael has been getting teased by his friends that he can't hold down an older girl. I try to build up his confidence every chance I get.


That Wednesday morning after third period, I search through the bustling halls and spot Michael at his locker.

Along the way to him, I don't even see Cera waving me over in her direction.

"Fine then, bitch." I turn my head to the left and she's sitting on one of the black benches.

"I'll talk to you in a minute," I point at her and then walk up to Michael.

"So," I start, moving a green sheet of paper in his direction, "Talent show auditions start on Friday."

He gives me a waning smile and continues shoving textbooks into his already messy locker.

With an eye roll, I hip-bump him out of the way and start to organize his locker.

"That's nice." Michael says shortly, watching me.

I stop momentarily to glance at him. "Aren't you going to perform? That song you showed me would be perfect."

"If I enter, people will believe that it's rigged because I'm already famous." He explains.

My shoulders slump a little because he does have a point.

"Hadn't thought of that," I mutter before shutting his locker.

"Hey, it's okay. Do you want to grab a smoothie after school?" He takes my hand and we walk over to Cera.

I shake my head. "Can't, practice today til 5:00."

"I'll watch and pick you up in Jackie's car right after."

I stop walking. "Watch?"

He nods slowly. "Yeah, at practice. Is there a problem?"

I shrug a shoulder. "It's just... I'm gonna be all sweaty during practice.. and after."

Michael smiles at me. "I won't judge you for that. Obviously, when you run, you sweat. Nothing to be embarrassed about, girl."

I smile back sheepishly and then Michael checks his watch. The bell is about to ring for class.

Michael sighs and kisses my lips. "Gotta go. See you in an hour."

I give him a wave and he turns and walks away.

I'm relieved that he's not still down about the whole Joseph incident. That would make me feel pretty guilty.

"Oooh. Mr. Hottie and you are really hitting it off, huh?" Cera winks once I reach her.

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