Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

It's 7:06 pm, and after winning two out of three races, I'm back home, freshly showered, but freaking out.

I'm surrounded by piles of my clothes, heaped up on the floor of my bedroom because I've been going through every article of clothing I own, trying to figure out what I should wear to go to Michael's house.

And the task is extremely difficult. It's in times like this when I wish I was a guy.

If I were a guy, I could throw on a polo and shorts and be done. I wouldn't even have to worry about my hair.

But nope, there are so many possibilities for us girls. Tank tops, jeans, shorts, skirts... the list goes on, and seemingly, forever.

I try to ignore the mess sitting on top of my head that is my hair.

It's wet and down because of my shower, but I've been pulling at it for the past half hour so I'm sure it looks terrible.

"How the hell am I supposed to dress up for this?" I mutter frustratedly to myself.

I pull out a purple sleeveless top, but then toss it to the side a moment later. Maybe that's too casual.

"What are we even going to do?" I ask myself.

I take a deep breath and exhale loudly.

"Get a hold of yourself. You've known this kid for years."

I roll my eyes at myself. Of course, my feelings for 'this kid' are new. But, hey, it's still little Mike as his brothers would call him.

I grunt and grab my favorite pair of jeans. "He'll just have to accept me."

I finally decide, "If he can't appreciate me in some jeans, he sure as hell can't if I'm in a bomb ass, sexy dress."

I slip the jeans on, and they're nice and snug around the hips. I reach down and pick up the purple top I tossed away earlier and pull it down over my head.

I grab a pair of black flats, putting them on my feet, and look in the mirror.

I pick out a black scrunchy and pull my hair into a low ponytail.

Then I reach for my Avon mascara tube and twist it open. I bring the wand up to my face, applying some to both my lashes. Halfway through, I freeze.

What the hell am I doing?

I stare at myself in the mirror.

What am I doing?

The last time I wore makeup was for my cousin's wedding.

Over three years ago.

And now, suddenly, I involuntarily decide to put it on just because I'm going to Michael's house, only four houses down?

"Oh Michael." I sigh and shake my head. "Michael, what are you doing to me?"

With one last look in the mirror after I put my makeup away, I turn the lights off and leave my room, just as Yani comes up the stairs.

"Where are you going?" She looks at my outfit.

I snort. "Why exactly do you care about me and my life all of a sudden? You literally haven't spoken a word to me in over three days."

I roll my eyes and walk around her, down the stairs.

I don't have time for her antics. She's one of the reasons I can't wait to move out. No Yani, no problems. Well, at least most of my problems would be taken care of without her in the way and basically ruining all the good things in my life.

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