Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"Aniko?" Michael repeats again. He's suppressing a small smirk.

"Hi," I say quickly.

He swiftly moves to the empty seat that's next to me.

"How are you? I haven't seen you in what, almost five years?"

My voice is caught in my throat as I try to respond. People lose interest in the boy-crazy girl and start chatting amongst themselves again.

I clear my throat and dare to look at Michael. He's waiting expectedly for my reply.

"Yeah, it's been a while." I say quietly.

He smiles at me and if I were standing up, my legs would've given out.

"No offense, but why are you here?"

"None taken. And Joseph wanted us to take a break from music and get an education because our tutors weren't the best. So here we are back in Gary. I've missed this place."

I nod in understanding. "It's good to see you. My parents will freak out when they find out y'all are back."

Michael looks at me, ignoring my last statement. "It's even better to see you. You've gotten more beautiful, Aniko." He says.

"T-thanks." I stutter and look away.

"Maybe during lunch you could give me a tour of this place?"

"Sure," I agree, all the while knowing that he already knows his way around here. This is the high school that he and his brothers won the talent show that pushed them forward in their career.

"Thanks." He winks and turns to face the front, just in time as Mr. Miles starts the first lesson of the year.

And all I can think about is the hot boy sitting next to me.


"Cera! Cera, why is he so cute? Lord, and he knows he is too." It's probably the fiftieth time I've brought up Michael in the past minute.

Can I help it? Not at all.

I stand in the locker room, changing into my workout clothes for track.

"You think he's hotter than Collin?" Cera gossips.

"I can't really compare the two. They're cute in their own ways, you know?" I say while slipping on my workout tank.

"I get it girl. This could be huge for you! There's so much talk over Mike, all the girls are swooning over him," She replies.

"Including me!" I pull on my running shorts and lace up my sneakers. "His smile is soo perfect. It's like-"

"Okay girls, out to the track!" Coach Tate booms.

I grab my water bottle and tie my hair up before Cera and I follow the herd of girls out to the track.

The boys are already practicing as we come out.

"Stretches! Aniko, lead," Coach orders while putting on her visor.

"Make a circle everyone, we're starting with butterflies!" I announce and sit in the middle as I lead everyone in counting ten seconds for each stretch.

"Long distance, with me. Sprinters with Coach Tate," I project my voice and all the girls go into their groups.

"Okay everyone, as always we're going to start with an 80% run for two miles." I say which earns groans from all of them.

"Get used to it! This is your life for the next three and a half months. Now line up in the first two lanes." I order.

"Aniko, the boys are using those lanes." Cera brings to my attention.

She's right. "Looks like I'm gonna have to boot them out huh? Be right back."

I jog over to the boys and as I reach them, all eyes turn to me. Some give me low whistles and I roll my eyes. If running shorts, sneakers and a Nike tank turn you on, you are definitely a teenage boy.

"What do you need, pretty thang?" One boy asks flirtatiously.

"Well now that you ask," I rub my finger across my bottom lip, "I need these first two lanes."

"But girl, we're using them." Another says.

"Please?" I bat my eyelashes.

He looks at me for a moment. "Im only saying yes because you're cute."

I smirk. "I don't need you telling me that. I already know."

He moves the cones out of the way, opening the lanes.

"Thank you!" I wink and jog back to the girls.

"Did it work?" Cera questions.

"Like a charm. Guess what that means? Time to run. Let's go!"

An hour and a half later, after many other workouts, I'm leading the girls in a cool-down lap. I cross the white line on the track and take a deep breath.

"Once you're done with your lap, you're free to go. Make sure you stretch tonight," I call out and mini-cheers erupt from the girls.

Before we all part ways, we high-five each other and then hurry to the locker rooms, grateful to head home.

Once I reach the locker room, I yank my sweaty workout top and throw it over my shoulder, pushing strands of hair out of my sweaty face.

"Ugh! That killed me Aniko," Cera walks in, more like trudges, and grabs her things.

"Track life or no life," I giggle.

"Come on, I'll call my dad and he can give us a lift. He has my car."

I nod. "Sure."

Tired and sweaty, we make our way to the front of the school and I plop on the floor.

Cera's calling her dad and I adjust my sports bra. Call me crazy, but I feel like going for another run.

When I tell Cera, she calls me things worse than crazy.

"You're so weird Aniko."

"You love me," I smile as I get up from my seat on the floor. I hand her my things.

"I'll come over tonight to get my stuff. Bye Cer!"

With that I start my jog home.

There's something about running that just frees my soul. I will run any chance I get. And hey, it's gotten me this slim figure and lean stomach I've always wanted.

Step after step, I wonder if flying is just as thrilling as running. Like, if I was Peter Pan. Would that be better?

I shrug mentally and keep on going, picking up the pace a little. The air through my lungs and the blood rushing through my veins is indescribable.

Thirty minutes later, I reach my doorstep. Well, the freedom was nice while it lasted. I prepare myself to open the door.

As I walk in, the whole Jackson family is seated in my living room. All of them.

And Michael is staring at me.


Chapter 2

How are you all liking the story? I'm in the process of choosing who to portray Aniko. Enjoy!




~Joy ✌️

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