Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

"First call for the 800 meter dash. Again, first call for the 800 meter dash. Check in to the race by the tent."

I finish my stretches and take a deep breath.

My heart is racing like it always does before I run.

"Don't think. Don't think." I keep repeating quietly to myself.

I run my hand along my smooth, straight ponytail and re-fix my black headband.

There's a cool wind blowing. Perfect, not too hot and not too cold.

When I feel like I'm as ready as I'll be for the race, I scurry over to the bleachers and lace up my trusty black and gold spikes.

These are my babies. They've been through a lot with me, ever since my first track meet. (Yeah, my feet don't grow.)

I remove my magenta ultralight jacket, revealing my white jersey with 'Roosevelt' in gold lettering.

A few minutes later, I'm checked in with the number five stuck on my left hip. My lucky lane and number. And, my jersey number. I walk to the starting line, not before Cera almost tackles me.

"Ani-koko! You're gonna do great! Believe in yourself, girl. Everyone believes in you."

I giggle and hug her tightly. "Thanks Cer. And shut up with that stupid nickname!"

"Maybe." She smirks and jogs off to watch along the fence.

I grin and take in my competition, hoping for an easy race.

I take a deep breath and do last minute stretches.

"Runners?" The official says, his whistle nearing his mouth.

I glance around at the eight of us and we nod.

"Take your mark."

We step up the blue line, my heart pounding in my chest.

Win. Show him. I don't play games.

The gun goes off. Time to go.

Two laps, that's all it is. I move my arms and stride my fastest, one foot in front of the other.

The wind swooshing by as I feel free along the track. It's all coming back to me.

I will myself not to look back; it's one of the biggest mistakes you can make in a race.

I hear faint pounding feet behind me, letting me know that someone was coming in close.

Around the second bend, I pick up the pace. But now, a girl from Leon High is right on my tail.

I force myself to keep running just like I know how.

As I pass through the straightaway and into the second lap, I hear screaming.

"Go Aniko! Faster! Come on girl!!"

A small smile adorns my face, knowing its Cera, and a few other teammates.

One more lap to go. I fall into a quick stride once more, my breathing becoming heavier.

I roll my eyes mentally, still having that girl gaining on me.

Damn, why can't I shake her?

Focusing all my attention on the race, I know now's the time to sprint.

Firing down the curve, I give it my all. I see the finish line.

It's mine, I've won.

I cross the finish line and pump my fists in the air, before saying 'Good job' to all the runners.

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