Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

"Cera? Can I borrow your mascara?" I call as I put on plum lipstick.

Today is the beginning of the rest of my life, my high school graduation.

I've been waiting for this day for who knows how long, and it's finally here.

My closest friends and family will be there to support me. Well, most of them.

It's been pretty difficult, facing the truth. In an ideal world, Michael would be at the ceremony with a bouquet of my favorite flowers and a huge cutout of my head.

I sigh. He always did the most...

But I could not dwell on that. There was no time. Plus, I know he's off in California focused on his career with Hollywood star on his arm.

So it's fine. Today is all about me.

"Girl, it's right in front of you!" My best friend snapped her fingers in my face.

Pulling me out of my daze, I turn and see her. The person that has kept me sane during this ridiculous roller coaster of life. My "family" literally fell apart once I realized my mother was my aunt and my sister was my half-sister. I never got an apology from anyone for that monstrous lie they all kept from me. Even Yani knew, which explains why she hates me so.

Cera is frowning at me. "Why the hell are you looking at me like-"

I pull her in for a tight hug. "Thank you so much for just being there and listening. You and Zara are all I've got now."

We embrace for a while before we realize that graduation will start soon, and we couldn't be late to our own ceremony.

Hastily finishing my makeup, I stand in front of Cera's bedroom mirror with a white lace dress and beige pumps, slipping the gold graduation gown over my dresser. Putting the cap over my curled hair, I'm ready. It's time.

We finally head to Roosevelt High School one last time. Before we left, Zara said she and her husband were waiting in the gym, extra early, for the ceremony to start.

That's one thing my sister and I don't have in common. She keeps to time and I, well, believe in showing up fashionably late.

But not today. Cera pulls her Chevy into the school parking lot with five minutes to spare, and thats a record for us. We check in and head to our seats, but not before hugging each other tightly again.

"Don't trip in those heels bitch!" Cera winks and skips away to her seat.

I scan the gym for some time before spotting Zara and her man with a sign that says "Congrats Aniko! We love you!" I blew them a kiss before taking my seat, and then the ceremony began.

The principal walks up to the podium and taps the mic.

"Good morning everyone. And great morning to the Class of 1975! It was definitely a long road coming, but you made it. We have all matured, though it took some of us more time than others..."

In that moment, I swear Principal Allen and I made eye contact. I shrug and half-smile as he continues his speech.

An hour and a half later, Michael Zucco receives his diploma.

"Congratulations Class of 1975! You may now move your tassels!"

Throwing my cap in the air, something came over me. I touch my hand to my face and realize that tears are streaming. I wonder how my mother would react to me graduating. I wish more than anything for her to be here right now.

Zara runs to me and takes my diploma, shoving a bouquet of flowers into my hands.

"I'm so proud of you Ani. I can't believe you did this all on your own without me. You're so strong. You're my inspiration."

"And stop all that cryin'! This is supposed to be a happy day." Her husband Daniel wipes my tears away.

After a family reunion with Cera's folks and after hugging the few friends I had goodbye, we were ready to go.

"Out to eat! Lunch is on me!" Daniel announces.

We all pile into our cars and head to Chi-Chi's.

"You know that your Dad, Aunt and half-sis were there, right Ani?" Cera says after a few minutes of driving.

I groan. "And what should I have said to them. You lied to me about my whole life but thanks for coming to my graduation? Oh, please. I don't need them. I have you guys to support me and that's that."

She shrugs and continues the drive without mentioning them.

We pull into Chi-Chi's and take our seats with Zara, Daniel, and Cera's mother who beat us there.

I didn't even have to look at the menu to know what I was getting: the spicy chicken tortilla.

I excuse myself from the table to go to the restroom. As I reach to push open the door, a hand wraps around my waist.

"Congratulations high school grad," his soothing voice is suddenly back.

I turn around and Michael plants a kiss on my hand.

"What the hell are you doing here, and how would you know I was here," I ask calmly.

"So, you're forgetting already? Chi-Chi's was our place. We would stop here for bites to eat-"

"Okay, stop, I remember. Just, what do you want?" I sigh in a defeated tone.

"To be there for you somehow. I know it's been a while since we were on good terms but that doesn't mean I don't care about you or your well-being. You've been through so much and it killed me that I was so far away. Please just give me a chance to talk to you. You have no idea how much I miss-"

And in that moment, I found myself kissing him, passionately. And I couldn't stop.


Chapter 23



-Joy ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2018 ⏰

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