hey you want some lore? no? okie

213 3 26

This probably belongs in the main book. But if I end up putting it there, I'm most likely going to edit it first because this version is overflowing with suggestive themes.

I'll see you in the next one. Enjoy?


Fanny: Huh? What the—oh. This dream again. Yeah, yeah, I know what I'm here for. Just ask the question so I can go back to regular dreams.

Clock: Hey, Fanny.

Fanny: Oh. You're here, too.

 You're here, too

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Clock: ...Uhhhhh...Fanny? Are you—

Fanny: Okay. Stop. First of all, no. Pedophilia is a sustained and primary sexual attraction to prepubescent children. Clock is not prepubescent.

Clock: And how would you know? Hmm?

Fanny: Clock, you're 17.

Clock: ...Fair point.

Fanny: Second of all, Yoyle law doesn't restrict "dating" at all. As far as just dating goes, anyone can date anyone. The law only comes into play when either the older sexually harasses the younger or we try to, uh...do the dirty, so to speak. Then the older one gets thrown in the slammer.

Clock: So you're saying that you can't make moves on me or you're going to jail?

Fanny: Hypothetically, yes. But I'm not worried about that.

Clock: Why not?

Fanny: Why would I be?

Clock: I'm not the older one in the relationship.

Fanny: Well, I'm not the horny one in the relationship.

Clock: ...That's incredibly sexist.

Fanny: Clock, when we kissed for the first time, you tried to take my hoodie off.

Clock: You were hot!

Fanny: ...

Clock: That's not what I meant!

Fanny: ...?

Clock: I-I mean, not that you're not hot, I-I just—

Fanny: When I told you I had a weapon in my pants, you instantly wanted to compare sizes.

Clock: I was fully aware that you carry a firearm everywhere you go, thank you.

Fanny: You were taking off your belt.

Clock: Where I store my personal defense mechanisms is none of your business.

Fanny: You have a picture of Teardrop in her bathing suit under your tissue box.

Clock: I'm just holding on to it for Gelatin. He's gonna pick it up later.

Fanny: You drilled a hole into the girls' locker room and put a spy cam in front of it.

Clock: It was for that mosquito prank, remember?

Fanny: You sent Cake in there with a body cam.

Clock: He'd probably go in there on his own anyway.

Fanny: He hated it.

Clock: The kid was nervous. He'd never roleplayed in front of anything besides a mirror before.

Fanny: Every night I was living with you, I could hear you whacking it to Lollipop all the way from the living room couch.

Clock: Have you seen Lollipop? That's, like, the one thing all the guys have in common. Even Loser and Cake said they definitely would if they weren't in a relationship with each other.

Fanny: You also whack it to ME.

Clock: You don't know that.

Fanny: You're a lot louder than you think.

Clock: ...You're not flattered?

Fanny: I'm flat as a board and my dirty talk is cleaner than the bathroom floors after X's done with them. Any guy who whacks it to me is desperate and running out of material fast.

Clock: But you don't find it hot?

Fanny: Clock, you're a minor. It's literally illegal for me to be sexually aroused by you.

Clock: I thought you weren't worried about doing something illegal.

Fanny: I'm not. The law can't touch me. And besides, you only lasted forty-five seconds the last time I heard you.

Clock: That was before GB kidnapped me and hit me up with all sorts of high-potency aphrodisiacs.

Fanny: WHAT?!

Clock: I mean, what?

Fanny: She hit you up with WHAT?!

Clock: I don't know what you're talking about.

Fanny: Clock.

Clock: Fanny.

Fanny: ...You know, your 18th birthday's coming up soon.

Clock: Please don't hurt me.

Fanny: So you better start chugging water by the gallon. And if I catch you whacking it, I'm gonna kill you.

Clock: ...Huh?

Fanny: I have needs, too.

(yeah nvm this ain't canon anymore uhhhhh Fanny and Clock decided to temporarily break up until he turns 18...yeah, that sounds okay, right? okie)

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