idea: OSC fandom but TRADING CARDS

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So you know how the Pokémon trading card game is a thing? Well, I was thinking about what it would be like if the OSC had its own trading card game with the BFDI contestants and II characters and all that. And then I devolved into thinking about what if each fan-made version of every contestant had a trading card of its own.

And then...well, actually, I'll let you see for yourself what my brain forced me to create. Now, I've never claimed to be an artist or a graphic designer, but what I lack in artistic talent, I make up for in more years of making overly complex stupid projects literally just for fun in Google Slides than anyone should have. (And I decided to include three per image because the Wattpad image limit exists.)

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Obviously, I designed these cards with the Pokémon gameplay loop in mind (or maybe it wasn't as obvious, if you've never looked at the rulebook—and I don't blame you, I never did either until I decided to make this stupid project)

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Obviously, I designed these cards with the Pokémon gameplay loop in mind (or maybe it wasn't as obvious, if you've never looked at the rulebook—and I don't blame you, I never did either until I decided to make this stupid project).

I made character cards! Now, I've never claimed to be a game designer, either, so the HP and attack damage values might be busted (or they might not be), but I hope I got the general idea across.

The gameplay loop would be pretty much exactly just like the Pokémon gameplay loop: both players take turns, one active character and five on the bench, you need to attach the proper energies to a character before you can use their attacks, etc. You would also have "damage counters" to count how much damage a character's taken; for example, if a character got attacked for 40 damage, you'd put four damage counters on that card. See you later, calculator! (Also, since damage and healing are done in multiples of 10, the general rule that I've come up with is that total damage is calculated first and then rounded down, whereas total healing is calculated first and then rounded up.) Additionally, each character card has four different "type" metrics: platform, importance, relationship, and form.

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