STATF2: An Open Letter to All the Other Classes from the Medic

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I have some choice words to say when it comes to interacting with the other classes on your team, including some things I wish you would do to make life for everyone on our team easier.

But first, some clarification. When talking about TF2 players, including myself, I will usually, if not always, use "he/him" for the singular purely because all the in-game class characters are male—not because the players themselves are male. (I know Pyro's gender isn't confirmed, but she's voiced by a guy, so it's easier to not even bother with figuring out their pronouns and just using male ones for it instead. Got it? Cool.)

And yes, this idea does indeed rip its inspiration off Uncle Dane. So, without further ado...

Dear Scouts: LET ME HEAL YOU.

Most Medics out there will prioritize healing Soldiers, Demos, Heavies, and Pyros. This makes sense since they have the most health (and therefore would benefit most from an overheal). This also makes sense because they're on the front lines and constantly taking damage, so they need the healing.

The thing is, Scouts are also on the front lines often. It's not uncommon to see them behind the enemy, either. And with a measly 125 health instead of 300, 200, or 175, Scouts are pretty fragile without an overheal to 185. Thankfully, Medics seem to have realized this lately and have started overhealing Scouts, which is good since they need the extra health.

It's also common to see a Medic healing a Scout on the way to the battlefield. This is because a Medic will match the move speed of any faster patient while healing them—the most common being a Scout. By pocketing a Scout, the Medic gets to the front lines faster and thus can help the team sooner and more efficiently. (Assuming, of course, your Engineer hasn't set up a teleporter yet.)

But here's the problem: Scouts are fast. Too fast. So fast that we can't heal them.

When we Medics aren't healing Scouts, we only move at 107% speed, which isn't enough to catch up to a Scout's 133%. Since our medigun doesn't have infinite range, we can't heal them even if we wanted to because Scouts keep running away.

Another thing I've noticed is that, for some reason, Scouts want health packs instead of the Medic. As a general rule, health packs should be reserved for Medics only unless you would die without it or if there aren't any friendly Medics around. Afterburn and bleed aren't excuses, since the medigun's 24 HP/s cancels that out easily.

Health packs don't give you overheal. Medics do. You don't need the health packs the most. Medics do. You don't singlehandedly hold off an Uber push or break through a choke guarded by two level 3 sentries. Medics do.

You need the overheal. We need the health packs. So do us all a favor and just stand still for, like, half a second so I can lock the heal beam on you. After that, go ham. Standing still shouldn't be an issue if you're near a Medic anyway since most competent Medics should be a relatively safe distance away from the action. Also, let us pocket you for a bit right out of spawn so we can get to the front lines faster (and so we don't have to worry about being backstabbed right out of the gate).


This is so niche and specific that I didn't expect this problem to be as common as it is. It typically goes like this: I'm hanging around a Dispenser overhealing the Engie and the Pyro while refilling my health and crossbow bolts when a friendly Soldier in the red and on fire rounds the corner reloading his rocket launcher. He taps E, I lock my beam on him to get him back to 200, and then (since most classes rush for the front lines once they get healed up to full instead of waiting for the overheal) I follow him into battle while getting him up to 300. He extends a little far, but I try to keep him alive because, come on, he's a Soldier. And Soldiers have massive damage potential.

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