STATF2: #SaveTF2 + my opinion on some weapons

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Welcome to "Silverlyte Talks About TF2," the segment where I, Silverlyte, talk about the popular class-based first-person shooter video game made by Valve, Team Fortress 2.

I just unironically said "popular class-based first-person shooter video game made by Valve, Team Fortress 2." Wow.

All right, first: #SaveTF2. I know I'm very late to this party, but in my defense, my reclusive self didn't hear about this movement until just very recently. And if you couldn't tell from how I literally wrote an entire parody chapter of the game, I like Team Fortress 2. A lot.

I might not be an absolute die-hard fan of this game, but I enjoy it enough to agree with everyone else that the situation the game was in was literally unplayable. I tried playing during the peak of the bot crisis, and I literally (yes, I am actually using the correct meaning of the word literally here) could not walk out of spawn without being headshot by a Sniper bot across the map.

Thankfully, that was back then, and the bot crisis (although still a problem) is much more manageable now with a few vote-kicks. I think the real loss we took here was that free-to-plays can't communicate anymore since TF2 being free to play is what roped most of its current playerbase into the game in the first place, me included.

Regardless, I still think it's pretty unfortunate that Valve has basically thrown this legendary game and its amazing community to the wayside. So what am I going to do about it?

Why, explain my opinion on each of my main's weapons, of course, because that's obviously the most logical thing to do after everything I just said. (I dunno, maybe this will get you guys into the game, too.)


First, though, let's play a little game called "Guess My Main." The nine playable classes in TF2 are Scout, Soldier, Pyro, Demoman, Heavy, Engineer, Medic, Sniper, and Spy. Just off those names alone, try to guess my main.

Time's up!

It's not Soldier, because...well, I like playing a class that requires skill to get good at.

It's not Scout. Aiming hitscan weapons is hell if you have super speed and you're constantly strafing around in the middle of enemy lines to avoid getting hit. Combine that with a measly 125 health and you'll see why Scout is my second-least played class.

It's not Sniper. Aiming hitscan weapons is hell. Combine that with a measly 125 health and you'll see why Sniper is my least played class.

It's not Demoman. I'm actually pretty decent at aiming projectile weapons (wink wink hint hint) and I play Demoman a good chunk of the time. But I'd argue that Demoman's pipes require just as much skill to use as Scout does, and sticky spamming just doesn't work on good players anymore. As for Demoknight, well...sentries just exist, so...yeah.

It's not Spy, and it will never be Spy. This class requires way too much skill, time, and effort to accomplish something that Sniper could do better. At best, I use it to distract the other team and make them paranoid that there's an actually good Spy out for them, even though all you need to do is...literally just turn around. Most of my time playing Spy has just been fooling around with the Dead Ringer on 2fort.

It's not Pyro. I paid for the whole keyboard, I'm gonna use the whole keyboard. (Seriously, though, flames are too short-range for me, and everyone can predict reflects nowadays. Soldiers just switch to their shotgun and Demos either sticky-spam you or just avoid you entirely.)

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