my attempt at making an isekai theme song

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In the beginning, there was "Shine." This song's a little short to be considered a fully-listenable song. To be honest, "Shine" stemmed from a stupid idea that one of my friends had. Since I know how to play both the piano and the guitar, one of my friends told me to make a casual, low-intensity video game theme song as a joke. So, being the stupid and motivation-unbalanced idiot I am, I took it a step further and tried to make it an actual song instead of just a one-off thing on the piano. This was my first encounter with Soundtrap, but I wanted to make this song sound as good as I could make it. I decided to post it on YouTube after realizing that I had nothing else to do with it. Thus, SilverTunes was born.

Then along came "Comet." The main reason I made this song was because I realized that the only thing on the SilverTunes channel was "Shine," which didn't really capture who I was as a composer. So I quickly whipped up "Comet" to try to fix that. I was aiming for a "journey through space" kind of vibe, but in hindsight, I ended up with an 8-bit platformer theme and some hastily-thrown-together FNF references instead.

And then, of course, the main attraction that everyone who knows SilverTunes knows it for: the Friday Night Funkin' Vs. Molly trilogy. I wanted to get more comfortable with Soundtrap and I wanted to contribute to both the FNF and Epithet Erased fandoms in a significant way, so I decided to try my hand at making a hypothetical FNF week for Molly. I tried to make the songs sound like typical FNF songs (the good typical, not the garbage typical like that Dave & Bambi trash) while also keeping my style. Although the songs did come out pretty good in my opinion, I still felt like something was missing in my musical portfolio—like I still hadn't created the one true "SilverTunes" song, the kind of song people think of when they think of me.

Enter "From the Sky."

At the time of writing, this song is absolutely me. I love alternative rock, I love the idea behind isekai anime, and I love songs that make you feel like you're somewhere else. In the future, I may or may not make a better song, but right now, if I could sum up my entire personality in three minutes and four seconds of audio, this would probably be it.

It started when I realized that, at the time I started making the song, nobody had any expectations of me. I'd already finished the Vs. Molly trilogy and provided the downloads, and my channel's too small for anyone to expect anything consistent from me. The next song I made would be completely fresh—the perfect time to make an original song.

"From the Sky" was inspired by Calliope Mori's "Dawn Blue", Porter Robinson's "Everything Goes On", and Star Flower's "Story Time". These songs all have an anime-type feel to them, so I used them for guidance on what I needed to put in the song.

If you couldn't tell, I tried to go absolutely ham on the drums. One thing I had noticed on all of my SilverTunes songs thus far was that the percussion, if it even existed, was monotonous and predictable. Of course, anime opening drumming couldn't be further from that. So I thought to myself: where can I find a reliable source of quality drumming that also enjoys Hololive, fast-paced alt-rock, and anime?

Obviously, all signs pointed to The8BitDrummer, of whom I was already a fan. He had conveniently covered "Dawn Blue" already, so I used his drumming there as a reference to what I should make the drums sound like.

At this point in my music career, I couldn't have made "From the Sky" sound any better than it does now. Even though I made it in only one day, I still put a ton of effort into making sure it sounded exactly how I wanted it to. Obviously, since I'm still a rookie and I don't have that much experience, it's not perfect, and other people who listen to it could probably point out some things I could have done better, but I'm pretty satisfied with how it turned out.

Now, if you couldn't tell already, I tried my best to have "From the Sky" tell a story. The protagonist gets isekai'd into this new world and, just like Geo from Gwain Saga, finds themselves at a point high up in the sky. Instead of clumsily flailing around like an idiot, though, they accept this new beginning and reposition themselves to plummet toward the ground.

At around the forty-second mark, they break the clouds and look out upon the new world, teeming with the beauty of green life and blue waters in stark contrast to the dull and gray mess we've turned our own planet into. They take a breath of fresh air and realize just how high above the ground they are before looking around them.

The time that the guitar comes in is about the time they realize that they're not alone. Several other people are falling around them, too—some of them plummeting like they are and others still writhing around and panicking, trying to figure out what the heck just happened.

When the song mellows down a bit, the focus shifts to people in the world going about their daily activities like talking, relaxing, farming, hunting, playing—typical isekai anime things. Then, when the drums get more intense, some people look up and see the group of new arrivals. They all smile, and some of them remember fondly how they once took that plunge, too.

Then, once the background synth starts playing again, the focus shifts back to the protagonist and the new arrivals, who are almost to the ground at this point. When the guitar kicks in, they all land in a grassy clearing with a nearby hill. They all survive due to the magic of isekai worlds and are completely fine, although some are still confused. The protagonist themselves is looking back at all the others, some of them walking around and looking around and others helping people up. Gradually, all the others start to make their way past the protagonist.

When the song finally calms down, the protagonist turns around, walks up the hill where the rest of the group is, stops in front of everyone, and gazes at the beautiful sunset. They all look between each other and the sun, and they smile as they realize that now is the start of their new life.


So yeah, that's basically the story I wanted "From the Sky" to tell. Constructive feedback would be appreciated; there's always ways to improve my music, after all. If you guys liked it, sharing the song would be nice, too.

Hope you guys enjoy it! Don't forget to tell me what you thought of it, and I'll see you in the next one!

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