Chapter 13: Legion of Domination (Part 2)

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Several weeks ago, Eclipse POV, Amphitheater

I stood with several other students of all four school years of Beacon Academy in the Great Auditorium where the teams got announced. I saw several teams known to me and as far as I can see, there are mostly strong teams... but why's CRDL here? I could also see JNPR and RWBY from the first-year students but I think I also saw the prominent team CVFY. After a few minutes, Ozpin, as well as most of the teachers of Beacon and even General Ironwood, stood on the stage. The headmaster then stepped forward to announce something.

Ozpin: "Good morning, students of Beacon Academy. By now, think all of you are familiar with the recent incidents with the rather strange Grimm and Atlesian Knights. Earlier this morning, I and General Ironwood received the message, that a huge amount of them was sighted in the Emerald Forest. Together, we decided to use the given chance to launch an attack on the enemy force. Students, together with a teacher you will go and eliminate the threat inside the Emerald Forest. I wish you the best of luck and may you return unharmed.

After the speech of Ozpin, the students looked at each other not expecting this kind of news and now it's also explained why only the 'strong' teams of Beacon were called. The students talked about it while the teachers went to build their teams. I only waited and while waiting I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked to my right side and saw Cardin of team CRDL.

Cardin: "Hey, Eclipse."

"Oh, good morning." I greeted back.

Cardin: "Looks like we are going on a big mission. I know that you aren't in a team but more of being someone to support a team. How about you join our team for this mission?"

I was a bit shocked hearing this from Cardin since normally he doesn't behave like this and I know that normally he wouldn't ask someone else for help. On the other hand, he and his team are quite friendly with me.

"Sure." I gave a short and quick answer.


I then heard a voice that I don't really want to hear early in the morning...

Zure: "Hey, lil' bro! :D"

I looked at him and he wasn't alone as team RWBY and JNPR were with him. Looks like he already fathered his team of students for this mission. Of course, they greeted me too.

Zure: "Let's go! Time for us to smash some Grimm!"

He grinned with his stupid face.

"I'm sorry but I must disappoint you. I am already part of team CRDL for this mission as this is my special passion assigned by the headmaster at the beginning of the year."

Zure: "Oh, looks like I must disappoint YOU this time. The teachers are building their teams for this mission."

I wanted to argue with him as I really don't want to be on his team again. Then out of nowhere, the headmaster defused the situation.

Ozpin: "Mr. Vermilion, that's enough."

We both looked confused at him.

"Which one?" I asked as he realized his small mistake.

Ozpin: "Oh, I apologize. Mr. Zure Vermilion. It may be true but I already have a plan for Eclipse. I know about your skill and achievements so I want to use this chance for a small test."

"A test?" I asked confused. The teams around were also confused and so was my brother.

Ozpin: "I want you to be the leader for team CRDL during this mission instead of a teacher."

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