Chapter twenty-three

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The verdict
Percy POV.

I watched Nico as he show us around his "greenhouse" and it was very impressive. It make me so happy that the four most important people in my life didn't just get along but seemed to like each other.

I looked out of the window and saw the sunset already which meant we needed to leave.

'Guys.' I said pointing out of the window.

'Oh my Lord! We need to go.' Leo sqeaked.

'Why? It's only five o'clock.' Nico said confused.

'We have plans with our families.' Annabeth blured out.

'Yes,we do.' Jason said quickly. 'So we need to make a move.'

'Of course.' Nico smiled. 'But I do hope we can do this again.'

'Yes I would love to have more of your pizza.' Leo licked his lips.

'I have to agree, it has been an enjoyable afternoon.'  Annabeth said.

'Yes.' Jason agreed.

'I would love another day like this.' I smiled. 'But we must be leaving. We don't want to be late, do we?'

'No you don't.' Nico sighed. 'Well until we meet again.' He gave Jason and Leo a firm handshake and gave Annabeth a kiss on the back of her hand before giving me a hug and breathing in my ear: 'I hope to see you tonight.'

I nodded my head as an answer into his neck and he seem to understand.

And so Leo, Jason,Annabeth and I left.

Once we were home we sat in my room on my bed silently which I have to say was a bit unnerving.

'So what do you think?' I asked after about other five minutes, unable to stand it anymore.

'Well he certainly knows his plants.' Jason said in a voice that said he's yet to make up his mind.

'He seem very knowledgeable.'  Annabeth commented in the some sort of voice as Jason.

'I love his cooking.' Leo announced. 'And if he can cook any other dish except of pizza and maybe some desserts, I say he's the one.'

I laughed and said: 'Well at least Nico get one of three on his side.'

'Well, we never got a chance to talk about what he wants out of an relationship with you.' Jason said.

'Very true but I'm sure he was just wanted to make a good impression.' I said. 'And he was most then likely nervous.'

'I suppose, we'll just have to asked him next time we see him.' Annabeth said.

'Next time?' I asked.

'Of course.  We need to make sure he is going to treat you right and would never hurt you.' Annabeth answered my question.

'Yes! More food!' Leo yelled.

'Agreed but I think we need to be more serious.'  Jason said. 'Maybe if we pick the location, we can control the conversation that way.'

'Good idea.' Annabeth said.

'So what's your verdict then?' I asked nervously.

'I think the jury is still out on that one.' Annabeth admitted.

'Okay at least you didn't decide you didn't like him and didn't want me being with me.' I said a little relieved but still edgy. 'Annabeth, Jason, Leo, it's getting late, I'm off to bed. Goodnight all.'

'Goodnight Percy.' Everyone said as they left my room.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2021 ⏰

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