chapter six

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Percy POV
Home and friends

When I got home I saw Annabeth, Jason and Leo running to me.
'Where were you.' Annabeth screamed as she hugged me.
'I walked to earth.' I said trying to breath.
'How did you walk to earth?' Jason azked.
'I'm the son of light.' I replied as Annabeth let me go.
'I going to look it up.' Annabeth said Andean off. We all knew she would be in the library.
'She loves reading too much.' Leo said.
'And we could say the same about you and making things.' Jason teased.
'Goodnight you two.' I said smiling.
'Night Perseus.' Jason said.
'Sweet dreams.' Leo smiled.
Once I got to my room I started to think about that demon Nico. I got out some paper and a pencil and started drawing him.

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