Chapter Twenty

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From one convention to another.

Nico pov

After getting home with Bianca, we just sat in the leaving room.

'So what do you think of Percy?' I asked hoping my sister would like my boyfriend.

'Mm. . . I like him.' Bianca smiled and I relaxed.

'You like him? So you approval?' I asked smiled feeling proud of myself.

'Oh yes.' Bianca smiled. 'But I wonder how you two will make this work.'

'What do you mean?' I asked unsure.

'Say you and Percy mate, where will you life? What if Percy's family wants to meet you?' Bianca started. 'And say Percy is removed-'

'Bianca stop please!' I intruded. 'Percy and I have yet to cross that water. We are taking one step at a time.'

'Oh okay sorry brother.' Bianca smiles.

'It's okay, it's just now you've made me think of all that, you're right and it's freaking me out.' As I said this I realised it was true. There were undetermined things that could happen between me and Percy if it was real.

'I'm very it will turn out wonderfully Nico.' Bianca said.

I looked at the time and realised I was meant to be contacting Percy soon. Bianca saw me looking and smiled once more.

'You wanna go and talk to Percy?' Bianca asked.

'Yes I do so I will say good night to you and I'll see you tomorrow.' I said in my best format voice just to annoy my big sister. 'Good night Bianca.

'Don't do that! Don't say stuff and make it sound like you have a stick up your arse!' She screamed as I run off trying not to laugh.

Once in my room I got into my pyjamas, into bed, shut my eyes and waited for my power to take over.

I walk into the same bedroom as I did the other night. But this time he wasn't sleeping. He was satting at a deck hunched over it. I couldn't see what he was doing. As I walk closer I realised he was painting which stuck me as a bit strange because I never thought he could paint.

Slowly I walked up to him. I smiled as I saw Percy's work. There was Percy in the middle, three people behind him. There were two boys and a girl. One of the boys had bright blue eyes and blonde hair. The of a boy was very elf-like with coal coloured eyes and curly brown hair. The girl had blonde wavy hair and gray eyes. The names are above their heads. The blonde boy was Jason, the girl was Annie and the other boy was Leo. As I look now and I saw Bianca me on the paper as well. I stared at this as I read my boyfriend and maybe my future sister-in-law above our heads in this painting.

I said for two or three minutes. I was so surprised I nearly missed Percy saying: 'do you like it?'

I blinked Percy smiling face.

'Oh.' I snapped out of it. 'Yeah I think it's amazing.'

'Thank you.' Percy smiled happily and looked pound of himself.

'So this is Annabeth, Jason and Leo?' I asked. Percy nodded. 'Well given how well you got me and Bianca this must be a great likeness.'

Percy went pink and smiled. 'Thank you Nico.'

'So did you enjoy today?' I asked pulling Percy to my chest.

'Oh yes but Annie said if I have a tummy-ach tomorrow she will blame you.' He said.

'Oh okay I can take that I'm sure.' I smiled.

'Oh Annie, Jay and Leo wants to meet you. When can they?' Percy asked his eyes brightly.

'Why not tomorrow?' I asked. 'I have a place in New York. You know where we were today? The bridge the park.' I asked.

'Yes it was lovely.' Percy whispered a little dreamily. 'I'd love to paint that.'

'Well if you and your friends meet me there tomorrow,  we could go back to my place and I'll  cook everyone a nice meal,' I said thinking it was the best impression I could give to a bunch of angles.  

'Oh that would be lovely. Thank you Nico.' Percy smiled and kissed me.

'What kind of food does your friends like?' I asked to make sure I can't go wrong.

'Well we all like pizza. Leo likes his pizza kind of spicy. Jason likes meaty pizza. Annie likes simple pizza like cheese or pepperoni.' He said with cute thoughtful look his face.

'And what dose my boyfriend like?' I asked smiling.

'Oh he like barbecue chicken or ham, sweetcorn and bell peppers.' Percy smiled playing along. 

'Okay so a meat feast for Jason, a pepperoni for Annabeth, meat feast with jalapenos for Leo and BBQ chicken for you.' I said making sure I had everyone's order.

'Perfect.' Percy purred looking at me.

We looked into each other eyes for a few minutes then Percy kissed me as we kissed he stood up from his work desk, push me toward his bed and push me on the bed. He sat on my lap and we continue kissed until I had to leave.

'I love you.'

'I love you too.'

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