Chapter Fourteen

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Percy POV
Talking or doing

I woke up with sun light on the floor. I look up and saw Nico a sleep under me. I thought about the night before.
1. Sharing a bed with Nico.
2. Sitting on Nico's lap.
3. Nico telling me that he might be falling in love with me.
4. The way I kissed him.
5. Me telling Nico that I was falling for him too.
6. Me telling Nico that I could have children.
Nico started to woke up slowly. I smiled and kissed his cheeks. I saw his lips moved like he was kissing back. I giggled and kiss his lips. Nico's hands move and hold my hips.
'Good morning Mr Di Angelo.' I smiled.
'Mmm. Good morning Perseus.' Nico smiled. 'I could game used to this.'
'Used to what?' I asked.
'You me in a bed waking up like this.' Nico explained.
'Nico?' I asked going a little pink.
'Yes Percy.' Nico smiled kindly at me.
'Could you tell me about sex?' I asked very embarrassed. 'Please.'
'What do you want to know?' Nico asked casually and calmly.
'Everything. But can we start with the basics.' I answered. 'Like how a boy and a girl gets their body is ready for sex. Is it by kissing and touching is that how it works?'
'How about I show you Nico smirking slightly.
I thought about it for a minute or two. I decided that I didn't want to know and I want to be shown so I leaned in and put my hand on his chest.
'Haven't we already kissed?' I breathed. 'And I'm touching you right now.'
'I mean places like here.' Nico stated as he started to move his hands from my hips to my hips and started to rub gently. 'And as for kissing...' Nico trade off as he leaned up and started to kiss my jaw neck and collarbone with fluffy light kisses.
Oh wow this feels so good. I want more. I also want to make Nico feel good too.
'Let me try.' I said breathless. Before he could say or do anything. I push onto the bad and kissed Nico's neck.
'Mmm Percy.' Nico moaned as I rubbed his thight.
'You like that?' I asked unsure if I was doing it right.
'Oh yes that's so good.' Nico replied.
I felt very proud of myself that I was making Nico feel good. I was also curious about how far Nico would take those demonstrations.
'So are our bodies ready for sex?' I asked enger to learn and feel more.
'Well I am.' Nico smirked as he started to rub my thighs again. 'Are you?'
'Yes... um you mean if my boy-part is hard?' I asked going red. 'Then yes.'
'Then yea we're both ready for sex.' Nico smiled. 'But because you and I are falling for each other, the words we want are "love making".'
'Love making.' I asked unsure. 'What's next?'
'Do you want me to show or tell you?' Nico asked softly.
I paused debating my answer. I really want to be shown what Nico would do to me. But... but was I ready? Was this really a good idea? Did Nico want this?
'I think I should have all the knowledge of the act before acting on it.' I started. 'I mean that would be the logical but I'm not sure if I want to listen to logic.'
'I know what that's like.'  Nico said as he kissed me again. 'And I know that you are trying to please me, putting pressure on yourself and I want you to stop it. Just because I'm an Incubi doesn't mean I push people to let me fuck them. And you right you should have all the facts before doing the act.'
With that Nico kiss me and rolled off me.
'I want to make sure you're comfortable and I'm not pushing you. So ask me any questions and I will answer it but we won't do anything else until you are hundred percent sure you're ready.' Nico said very serious expression but it was hard to take you seriously he had a tent in his boxer shorts which I couldn't take my eyes off.
'Okay.' I said managing to pull myself to look into Nico's eyes. 'Will you come down now and how will... I mean don't we have to spray to come down?' I was so red I could feel the heat coming off my cheeks.
'You mean to cum or ejaculator.' Nico said amused. 'And normally yes men do you need to come but there are other ways of calming down.'
'Like what?' I asked curious and uncertain.
'You can try and think of things that you may find disgusting or maybe even scare you that your calm your body and mind down enough for your hard on to flaccid.' Nico explain.
I thought for a moment to think of something that might scare me or something I would find seriously disgusting. I came up with my throat and I Felt my boy part goes soft.
'Okay I've got mine.' I said. 'So what's your?'
'There is that a lot of things that can make me go soft again that easily.  But to me it's all about self control. I can control myself not to jump someone and I can control myself with one flick up my hand whether I get hard or  I'll stay soft.' Nico said with a smile. And suddenly there was no tent his boxers.
'Well it's got the handy.' I said with a small smile.
'It is and I'll let you calm down would you like to continue your questions?' Nico smile.
I thought for a minute then I questioned came to mind. 'What is it called when a man penetrates another man?'
'Top and bottom.' Nico said without any hesitation when I still looked confused and unsure he elaborated. 'Top is when a man is doing the  penetrating and Bolton is the man who is getting penetrated.'
'Oh okay does it hurt to be bottomed?' I asked fiddling with my clothes.
'Your first time yes but that's why we use lube.' Nigbor said smiling in and understanding and reassuring way.
'Have you been Button before?' I asked going mad trying to Picture that.'
'Yes.'  Nico said calmly. 'But only sometimes but most of the time I prefer to top.'
'So if we have sex you will be top and I would be bottomed?' I asked picturing how much it would hurt the first time.
'Now that I know you can be with child we might have to be more careful and if you want to I would let you top. As I already said I want to make sure you are comfortable.' Nico said looking at me with loving eyes.
'You know for a demon, you are a complete sweetheart.' I said smiling.
'I do it to make you comfortable and to make you smile.' Nicolas said and gave me a kiss then looked at the time. 'You know it's nearly 8 in the morning you should probably get back home and explain what happened and you should have them about me.'
'What?! Are you crazy?!' I demanded feeling quite panicky at the idea of telling my family and friends that I had a Demon as a ... what? A friend? A boyfriend lover mate?
'What are you to me are you to me? my friend or my boyfriend?'
Nicola looked at me as if you didn't know whether to reply or laugh. 'I'd love to be your boyfriend if you asking.' He said kissing me.
'I would like that but I can tell anyone back up about us.' I said feeling a little upset at the idea of hiding Nico from the people I love.
'Tell them I'm human.' Nico said softly.
'Okay. But I really don't wanna go home though.'  I said cuddling up to Nico.
'I know but we must my love.' Nico said kissing me again.
I nodded reluctantly we got up got dressed and left. Once we were outside in the Sun might I smiled and Turned to Nico for one more kiss.
'goodbye for now my love I will see you tomorrow?' Nicola asked putting his hands on my waist.
'Yes of course you well.' I replied smiling with my arms around his neck.
We kissed one last time then we parted Nico melted into the shadows and I melted into the sunlight and went home.

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