Chapter Twenty-one

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Getting my brothers and sister ready to met my boyfriend.

Percy pov

I woke up six in the morning and jumping out of bed knowing that today around 2 o'clock my adopted brothers and sister would meet my boyfriend. So I had get myself and them ready. I get up and dress in my jeans and t-shirt. Then I ran off to find the others. I found the them eating breakfast.

'Good morning Perseus.' Annabeth said just to annoy me.

'So what's the plan of today?' I asked as tucking into my pancakes.

'Well you able to contact your boyfriend? Because if you were and told him you were busy with us today? That means I'm going to hang out today right? But if you couldn't I would love to see him I suppose that's understandable. Leo said all of this with his facial expression changing from happy, hopeful and excited to a little disappointed and sad.

'Actually I was able to contact him and he wants to meet you all.' I said fidgeting with my food.

'What? We can meet your boyfriend?' Leo squeaked looking delighted.

Jason looked up from book and gave me a puzzling look.

'Where does he live?' Jason asked keeping his voice calm but I could him thinking about the Big Brother speech he might Nico.

'New York. He want to us by the bridge in Central Park. And from there he will take us to his apartment.' I said starting to eat my pancakes again.

'What time are we meet him then?' Annabeth asked.

'2 o'clock.' I said simply.

'Great! We get the morning with you and meet your boyfriend in the afternoon.' Leo smiled.

' yeah pretty much we also get a meal too. But please don't embarrass me.' I said.

'We see what come out.' Leo smirked.

'Oh okay.' I said guessing it the best I was going to get.

' so what did you tell him about yourself.' Jason asked. ' what kind of people should we pretend to be?'

' oh I just said we were kind of rich kids.' I said making things up as I went along. 'But not the snotty kind.'

'Oh cool then we can pretend we own a garage shop or private beach Grass shop or a private beach.' Leo started dancing which meant he was very excited.

'Actually Nico and I met on a private beach well island but same difference.' I said looking thoughtful. 'So we could pretend that belongs to us.'

'Okay sounds fun.' Annabeth said. 'I just hope he get the food right.'

'Yeah I'm in.' Jason said.

'Me too what do we do now?' Leo asked.

' we could read a book and discuss the plot.' Annabeth suggested.

'No.' I wined.

'Boring.' Leo announced.

' that's fine by me.' Jason said. 'if not how about we go for a walk in gardens. I could show you the new plants.'

'No!' Leo cried. 'I want to show you guys my new project.'

'How about we go to the beach, have a picnic and play in the water.' I Suggested thinking it might be the best idea.

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