Chapter four

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Percy POV
Fear and confusion

I looked at this man scared to death. This man was from hell literally. But he looked so beautiful. How can a man look like that if you is from such a bad place? I got my nerves together and asked: 'are you going to hurt me? And what was that with you voice?'
'No I'm not and what do you mean?' Yeah asked clearly confused.
'When you asked why people pick on me you' I tried to explain and trying my very best not to go red.
'Sexy?' He smirked at me despite the fact I really didn't want to I want completely red. 'I think that's for another time.' His smirk turned to a sweet smile.
'Another time?' My breath caught in my chest.
'Yes little angel.' He said taking my hands on his own.
'I don't even know your name.' I said trying to control my breathing.
'Nico. What's your handsome?' He smiled again.
'Perseus.' I answered still scared.

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