chapter ten

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Percy POV
Worried friends

I walked thinking about Nico. I mean I kissed him on the lips. Oh god!
'Perseus!' Leo said. 'You been to earth again?'
'I got nothing better to do when you, Annabeth and Jason are at work.' I smiled.
'That's a good point.' Annabeth said.
'What's going in that head of yours?' Jason asked.
'I like Earth.' I said still smiling.
'Are you in love Perseus?' Annabeth asked.
'With Earth? Yes.' I replied.
'Perseus' Jason started. 'We are worried about you.'
'Why I'm fine.' I said.
'Because you're acting odd.' Leo started.
'You go to Earth and when you come back you always happy.' Annabeth explained.
'And nothing can bring you down.' Jason finished.
'I'm touched. And I love you guys. But I swear I'm fine.' I said.
'Group hug!' Leo yelled.
The four of us hugged.
'We love you too Perseus.' Annabeth said.
'I know.' I smiled. 'Goodnight.'
'Goodnight.' Annabeth, Jason and Leo call after me.

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