chapter eleven

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No one POV
21 questions

'Hey Percy.' Nico yelled at Percy as he running to him.
'Hello Nico. ' Percy smiled. 'What should we talk about today?'
'How about we play 21 questions?' Nico suggested.
'Alright. is it okay to asked anything?' Percy asked and thinking to himself:"would Nico hide anything from me?"
'Yes that's the point.' Nico smiled.
'Ok. Can I go first?' Nico nodded. 'OK. Number one: what do you like to do in your free time?'
'Drinking, clubbing, dancing and reading.' Nico replied. 'My question is the same as your.'
'Drawing and hanging out with my friends.' Percy smiled. 'Number two: do you have any brothers air sisters?'
'One sister. Her name's Bianca.' Nico smiled at the thought of his sister. 'What's your friends names?'
'Annabeth, Jason and Leo.' Percy smiled at the thought of his friends and making Nico jealous. 'Number three: do you sing?'
'Yes but the music I know is way too dirty for you.' Nico smirked. 'Do you sing?'
'Yes.' Percy smiled proudly. 'Number four: please tell what you listen to?' Nico looked unsure so Percy made his best kitten eyes. 'Please?'
'Ok. Two of the bands I listen to are called Blood on the dance floor and Falling in reverse.' Nico said. 'What do you like to sing?'
'Disney.' Percy replied blushing. 'Number five: do you like musicals?'
'Yes.' Nico replied. 'Do you like musicals?'
'Yes! I love Into The Wood and Mamma Mai!' Percy smiled happily. 'Number six: what kind of dancing do you like?'
'Any as long I get to be close to my dancing parter.' Nico said. Wishing that he could hold Percy close to his body and heart. 'What do you like to draw?'
'Small animals and plants.' Percy said. 'Number seven: would you like me to draw you sometime?'
'Yes i'd like that. Nico smiled. 'Would I have to pose?' Nico sweet smile into a smirk.'
Percy giggled. 'If you want to. Number eight: do you like spreading with your family?'
'With Bianca yes.' Nico smiled. 'Do you enjoy spreading time with your family?'
'Not really. But that's why I have Annabeth, Jason and Leo. And now I have you.' I see you looked Nico In the eye and kissed his cheek. 'Number nine:' Percy continued. 'What is your age?'
'I'm 2000 years old' Nico said then joked. 'Now I feel old.' Percy giggled and Nick I felt great for making Percy giggle like that. 'How old are you Percy?'
'I'm younger than you I am 900 in age' Percy replied blushing 'Number ten when is your birthday?'
'17 of January.' Nico smiles. 'When is your birthday?'
'18 August.' Percy said. 'Number eleven: have travelled The Earth?'
'No Nico said Have you?'
'No. I want to but I can't. Father wouldn't like it.' Percy said sadly. 'Number twelve: will you teach me how to dance? Please?'
Nico looked surprised then he smiled. 'Of course Percy. What dance would you like to learn?'
'You pick. I'm not sure.' Percy said thoughtfull.
Nico thought about it for a moment then said: 'I will teach you the tango.' Nico got up and pull up with him.
'So Number thirteen where do I put my hands?' Percy asked do you laying other so flustered.
Nico smiled sweetly as he replied: 'I hold your right hand in my own.' He took Percy's hand and held it. 'You put your left hand up here.' Nico guided Percys other hand to his shoulder. 'And lastly I put my hand on your hip.' Nico are held himself and Percy in that position for a moment. 'Are you sure you're okay with this Percy?'
'Yes I like this Percy.' answered and Nick are relaxed and smiled then when you go guided Percy one step at a time
After five minutes also Percy was dancing The tango like he had been
dancing it for years.
'Well Percy you learn fast.' Nico said impressed.
'Thank you.' Percy said looking pleased with him self.' Number fourteen: is the tango always have this level of intimacy?'
'Yes the tango is about love and sex.' Nico explained as Percy lifted his leg and wrapped it around Nico's hip do you like this Nico asked trying to stay calm.
'Yes this feels right.' Percy answered. Suddenly Percy looked like he had a bad idea pop into his head. 'Number fifteen do you think my curiosity is annoying?' Percy looked a little sad as he asked this.
'No of course not I think your curiosity is cute.' Nico smiled. 'why would I think you curiosity is annoying?'
'Because everyone else does.' Percy said sadly. 'anyway Number sixteen do you kiss a lot of people on the cheek?'
'No just Bianca and you.' Nico said simply 'do you kiss a lot of people on the cheek?'
'Annabeth my brothers and you.' Percy counted the number of people off with his fingers number. ' 'seventeen so you only kiss me and your sister on cheek'
'Yes I really like doing it as well.' Nico smiled.
'Number eighteen what makes me so special?'
'You are rare you see the good in me even though I'm a Demon you're beautiful and I feel like I can be myself with you.' Nico said all this with a fierce pride in his eyes. 'what do you see me?'
'I think your kind beautiful and you make me feel comfortable to be myself.' Percy said with pride in his eyes like Nico. 'Number nineteen what do you mean by be yourself?'
'I don't like myself sometimes and so I don't show real me know one knows the real me but Bianca and now you.' Nico said. 'Was are your first kiss?'
'Yes. Number twenty can Demons fall in love?'
'Yes.' Nico answered shortly. 'Why did you give me your first kiss?'
'Because it felt right and I wanted it.' Percy smile at the thought of Nico's amazing lips. 'I don't have any more questions.'
'I do.' Nico said getting a grip on his nerves. 'Number twenty-one: can I kiss your pink soft beautiful lips?'
Percys deep sea green eyes looked into Nico' warm jeep chocolate ice. Both could see the want they had for each other.
'Yes I would love for you to kiss me.' Percy said which made Nico smile.
Nico leans in putting his hands on percy hips. Percy moved his hands around Nico's neck. Both close their eyes.
They kiss and both felt fireworks.
'Wow.' they both said.
'you should go my little angel.' Nico said and still sadly.
'Yes.' Percy agreed. 'You're right I should.' Both looked up.
Send me both of them realised that it was moonlight above them not sunlight.

Percico Angels, Demon And Emotions Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum