Chapter Twenty- two

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Nico's pov

An angelic meal

Okay, okay so I have tidy the flat, make sure there is nothing offensive or sexual in the flat, per-made all the pizzas as well as side dishes. And now I'm looking for something to wear. Let's see the outfits I got are a biker, professor, doctor, lawyer and ballerina. Why I've got a ballerina outfit I was not sure. I decided to ditch the outfits and just wear jeans and t-shirt. Once I had a shower then dressed and make sure I was properly groomed to impress I looked at the time and realised I had about half an hour to go before I had to go and meet Percy and his friends.

Once I reach the bridge, it was ten to two so I just sat on the bridge, looked at the water. I wasn't sure how long I eat there day-dreaming for five minutes or possibly an hour. Anyway suddenly I was snap me out of my day-dream.


I turning and saw Percy in a pair of lovely tight blue jeans and a very out of character white dress shirt.

'Percy I'm glad to see you again.' I said smiling.

'I'm glad to see you too. Nico these are my three best friends Leo, Annabeth and Jason.'

I looked over everyone, no one was identical from Percy's painting but they were close. Annabeth was in an outfit that very elegant, expensive and mature. I couldn't help but think it was the kind of outfit that Bianca would approve of. Then there was Leo who look like an army fanatic which actually looked good on him. And lastly Jason who doing his best impression of a badass can't say I disapprove.

'Hello, my name is Nico di Angelo.' I smiled politely.

'Hi, I'm Annabeth Chase,' Annabeth held her hand out to me.

'Jason Grace.' Jason said doing the same.

'Leo Valdes.' Leo said coping Jason and Annabeth.

'So I hope you're hungry.' I said. I was seriously going to struggle with this. But I was willing to try for Percy.

'Yes, I'm starving!' Leo cheered.

'Leo could eat your whole weight in food and still be hungry.' Percy pointed out as Annabeth and Jason laughed.

'Right.' I said a little unsure. 'My flat this way. Follow me'

We walked back to my flat, I observed the way Percy reach and interacted with his three best friends. I could tell that Leo was like the little brother of the family, while Jason and Annabeth were like the big sister and brother/ parents. It make me smile a bit because I can see just how happy Percy was with them.

Once we have to my flat, I was pretty sure I was going to have a nervous breakdown and shout something out that I know I shouldn't.

'Wow you have a beautiful home Mr di Angelo.' Leo said.

'Thank you and please called me Nico.' I smiled. 'Well if you excuse me I must attend to our food.' And with that I left the room and put all the pizzas on.

Once I return from this task joining the angels in the living room.

'Right the pizzas will be ready in half an hour.' I announced.

'I'm sure it will be lovely and tasty.' Percy smiled at me.

We laugh, spent the next half an hour chatting and getting to know each other. I discovered that what Percy had told me about his friends was a bull-eye description of them. I ended up having a discussion with Annabeth about her dream job which was be to an architect. I have a different conversation with Jason about plants from ones could be used in gardens and parks to ones that was deadly and medicinal. Which I found fascinating. And I also had a chat with Leo about anything that grabbed his attention. I can't stop glancing at Percy at least five conversation and I could see the happiness shining in his eyes and I knew that he was not only truly happy that we were all in the same room but also for the fact that we were getting alone.

Those was a beeping sound from the kitchen.

'It's ready.' I announced before excusing myself and heading for the kitchen.

I got the feast and the cheesy one and I was about to cut them up when Percy walked in and took the pizza cuter out of my hand and started cutting up the pizzas.

'You don't have to do that.' I said a little surprised.

'But I wanna help.' Percy said in the most innocently voice that I couldn't tell him no.

'Thank you for helping.' I said kissing his cheek.

Five minutes later all the food was ready.

'Right,' I started. 'we have a spicy chicken and bacon for Leo, a pepperoni for the lady, a meat feast for the gentleman, a barbecue chicken for my love and a four cheese pizza for myself.' As I spoke I placed each pizza in front of each person. 'We also have home-grown salad, home-made garlic bread and home-made coleslaw.'

'Thank you. This looks beautiful.' Annabeth replied.

'Did you say home-grown?' Jason asked intrigued.

'Yes, my second bedroom is an improvised greenhouse.' I said proudly which was true.

There was a collective sigh of appreciation as everyone took a bit of their pizza.

'This is one of the best things I've ever tasted.' Annabeth exclaimed.

'And you salad is spectacular.' Complimented Jason.

'Yum!' Leo grinned. 'I could eat 12 of these.'

'Only 12 I thought you were able to eat your body weight Leo.' I teased hoping I wouldn't upset him.

'Oh I could eat 12 pizzas, 8 pieces of garlic bread and 5 portions of salad with dips. Leo grinned. 

'And then you will throw up.' Annabeth said looking slightly green.

'Yeah but it would be worth it!' Leo said cheerfully.

Everyone expressed their gratitude and appreciation for my cooking. Once all plates were cleared I was seriously concerned about where should go from here.

'Can I see your garden please?' Jason said.

'Sure.' I replied. 'But it's more of a greenhouse.'

Jason and I walked to the bedroom at the end of the corridor and I opened the door.

'Wow.' Jason starring at the all the different plants I had growing. 'Tell me what you got growing.'

'Where would you like to start?' I laughed.

'What's so funny?' Percy asked as he walked in with Annabeth and Leo.

'Whoa look at the all the plants!' Leo yelled then he spotted the apple trees. 'Ooh apples!' He grabbed one and bit it.

'Look like Leo has chosen for me.' Jason laughed. 'If you wouldn't mind could we started with the fruits.'

And so that is what I spent the next two hours doing, taking about my greenhouse with three very charming and curious angels. 

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