Chapter three

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No one's POV
A conversation between the Angel and demon.

Percy looked at Nico shocked.
'Sorry did I scared you?' Nico asked taking in Percy's appearance and thinking:"oh god I would fuck this guy so hard he would be sore for a week".
'Yes you did.' Percy answered looked Nico up and down and thinking:"oh wow this man is beautiful."
'I  apologise.' Nico said sweetly. ' so what brings you here.'
'People pick on me.' Percy said sadly. I needed some time alone.'
'Now why would anyone pick on such a hot and handsome young man like you?' Nico asked with his best sexy voice.
Percy went red and replied without thinking:'I don't have wings. So the others make fun of me.'
'Wing?' Nico asked started to notice some energy coming from the man. Then a thought pop into Nico's head. 'You are an angel?'
Percy looked at Nico and sensed some dark power that Nico emanated. 'Y-you are a demon?'

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