Chapter Fifteen

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Percy POV
A fraction of the truth pops up.

As I walked to my house I was ambitious by Annabeth, Leo and Jason.
'Where have you been?!' Annabeth screamed.
'We were worried!' Jason yelled.
'We began to fear the worst.' Leo said looking ready to cry.
'I'm sorry, I should told you sooner, I've been going to Earth is ... Because w-well I h-have a I'm in love.' I blurted out before I stop myself.
'You're in love?' Annabeth asked.
'You have a girlfriend?' Jason asked looking stunned.
'B-boyfriend.' I whispered. 'His name is Nico.'
'Why didn't you tell me sooner?' Leo yelled.
'Yes I'm in love, yes I have a boyfriend and I didn't tell you because I wanted him all to myself.' I feft a little bad for lying but I knew better then to tell them that Nico was a demon. 'Plus I didn't need you three being overprotective on me.' I smirked.
'Oh that's very funny cheeky.' Jason putting a brotherly arm around me.
'Where did you meet him? How long have been dating? When are you going to introduced him to us? And when did you realise that you were in love?'  Leo said smirking like a madman.
'Well we met on a beach, we haven't been dating very long, I don't know when I can introduce you to him and I knew I was in love from our Second conversation really.' I said blushing like crazy and getting a little uncomfortable.
'Okay fine but why didn't you come home last night?' Annabeth asked with a concerning motherly look on her face.
'I saw him yesterday and we were talking for so long I didn't realise the Sun had gone down until it was too late.' I said honestly.
'Where did you say than? I mean did he stay with you? Or did he leave you?' Leo asked.
'He took us to our hotel in New York and we stayed the night.' I answered.
'You are in the same bed as your boyfriend?' Jason asked. 'Did you do anything?'
'If you mean anything sexual, no. But he did give me the talk.' I said blushing.
'So you now know how you can become pregnant?' Annabeth asked looking somewhere between relieved and scandalised.
'Yeah I do.'
'Do you think you can get pregnant from this boyfriend of yours? You seem quite enthusiastic about this Nico.' Jason stated.
'Oh do you think is your true love? Will you make me an uncle soon?' Leo asked jumping up and down.
'Why are you going to have sex with this guy?' Annabeth asked looking scandalised. 'Are you planning on having a baby.'
'I don't know I mean if we have sex we will probably use protection at first.' I said. 'I mean it's the logical thing to do.'
'Since when do you think logically.' Jason asked surprised.
'I always think logically on serious decisions.' I said pretending to look offended.
'Well we have the day off so why don't we spend some time together?' Leo asked excitedly.
'I'm there.' Jason said brightly.
'Count me in.' Annabeth piped.
'Yeah alright.' I smiled.
The four of us spent the day talking head around and my three best friends give me a hard time about Nico.

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