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"Abba?! " She asked not believing her ears. Her mother quickly thought of a way to dismiss her from the place before she would cause any problem "Erh... Maryam could you please check the food on fire? I know it's done right now" She said feigning a smile. Maryam internally huffed and stood up. She knows that there isn't any food on fire but she just left to the kitchen. Their mother Smiled wiping off her mouth with the napkin "Excuse me for some seconds please" She stood up and left to the kitchen also. Maryam who leaned against the counter in the kitchen folded her arm against her torso when Ammeiy walked into the kitchen closing the door carefully so it won't make any sound. She clenched her teeth and moved to where Maryam stood
"What is wrong with you Maryam?!" She asked immediately the girl looked at her.

"What was that for Ammeiy?" Maryam asked while her mother scoffed. She narrowed her eyes at Maryam "Never answer a question with a question Maryam"

Maryam inhaled deeply " Honestly Ammeiy am sick of this! How would you just decide his 'My husband' without even at least care to inform me.  Is that why you were asking me to fix up?" She held her daughter's arm forcefully not caring if she's hurting her "Don't you dare try to go against us. We know what is best for you and we decided for you. Don't do anything stupid!"

"Seriously? Do you mind asking me if I have the person I love? Or letting me know on your decision? You always decide for me every time but not now!" She cleared the tears that blurred her vision and went out of the kitchen but instead of going back to the dining she moved to the balcony.

Ammeiy went back to the dining room after calming herself for some seconds.  She sighed as she saw the seat Maryam occupied earlier empty. She sat down on her chair. Abdullah looked like he was telling them something because Alhaji Umar Farouq paid attentively while Jawahir munched on her food

"I studied engineering"

"Oh yes I can remember your father once told me that you were studying engineering. He told me that are going to work at our company right? Your father's company" Abdull nodded moving his gaze to Ammeiy who flashed him a smile

" Anti Aisha-" His eyes roamed around the place she came from "-Where's Maryam? "

Hajia Aisha smiled "Oh Maryam, she's there" she pointed at the door leading to the balcony "Go and meet her. I can see you care about her " Abdullah chuckled wiping off his mouth with the Napkin. He stood up and went to they way Hajia Aisha showed him....

Hajia Aisha shifted her gaze from Abdullah who disappeared behind the door. She shifted her gaze to Alhaji Umar Farouq who smiled at her "I can see he loves her"

She mashed her lips together with worry written on her face "Yes we can all see that but I don't think that hard headed Maryam would agree" She told him what Maryam said to her earlier in the kitchen. Her Husband chuckled as usual his calm facade on " I know she would. The guy is a friendly man to deal with, so I know he would make her like him and besides, it's not even like she has choice. I can't say No to his Father " Ammeiy's lips parted and she was about to
Say something but Jawahir stood up and left the place

"Assalamu Alaiki" Abdullah said moving to where Maryam stood. She leaned against the rail and stared at the Sky. There wasn't any star since it's not night. Infact the cloud was dark and it looks like it's about to rain anytime soon. She answered his salam and continued staring at the pregnant cloud.

He smiled "You know,  I always liked this" And for the first time she stared at him and their eyes met. She was confused about his earlier statement so she decided to ask. She didn't want to talk to him at first but she's probably the worst in keeping things to herself.  Questions  to be precise
"What? "

He chuckled " what you are doing right now.  When I was in Cyprus, when everything doesn't go as planned, I usually
Come out to the balcony and watch the stars or the city but I don't watch rambling clouds" He doesn't understand why a person would watch dark grumbling clouds.  She ignored what he said and decided to bring another topic since he can't keep shut "You did this right?" She realised that he didn't understand her question so she elaborated "I mean the Marriage whatso. You brain washed my parents into agreeing with you and selling away their daughter to you" she knows money is the only thing that made them agree with him and even prepare so much for him without even caring to at least inform her. She shouldn't be surprise thou.
"I never brain washed your parents. It was arranged" he noticed the question on her face so he answered her unspoken question "I believe You know your Father and my Father are best of friends and my Father is your father's boss at work. So they decided to hook us together. He told me since before talking to your Father about it and seriously I can't say No to my Father so I obeyed. But how comes you never know about this till now?" Maryam wiped away the tears that ran to her cheeks "How would they tell me?  Your Father told you since before he talked to my father so you see he was asking for your opinion but not in this house. My opinions are the least of their worries" She wiped her tears not wanting to breakdown more so she avoided the topic "I know your Father is my Father's friend but I never know you " It took him everything before he stopped himself from embracing her in a hug. He hates seeing women crying "That's because I just came back from Cyprus " she nodded closing her eyes briefly "let's just help each other "

"How? "

"Let's help cancel the marriage"

"Are you okay? I'm quite sure you know how both our parents are so that is not even a decipher" She huffed hitting her hand slightly on the rail "How is it not a solution? Only if you also want the marriage and is pretending not to like it " He shook his head
Sideways "I told you that I'm just obeying " She smiled shaking her head sideways "No you aren't! You just like the marriage but is trying not to say it. If truly you don't like it then why can't you help cancel it?!" Her voice rose a bit. He huffed as his patience is finally over "I told you that I can't disobey My Father!!" He yelled  at her making her stop her rambling. She froze there Staring at him not believing that he just yelled at her.  He realised what he did so he closed his eyes briefly

"I'm sorry.. I was just angry" He said running down his fingers over his hair

"Yes of course" She said and stormed back inside. He called her but she didn't even turn


"Maryam! " Her Father called her as she was trying to dodge and go to her room. She gulped and immersed herself to where her Mother and Father sat in the sitting room. Her Father pointed a space close to his legs so she moved and sat down exactly the place

"Did you talk with him?" He asked looking at her

"Yes" She replied bowing her head down. He hummed adjusting his seating position "Did you settle?" She doesn't even know why they are asking since it's obvious that with or without their settling, they are not changing their so called 'decision'. Then why asking? She bit her lips letting the words come out "No. I don't think we would ever settle" Her mother's lips parted from the smile that was on her face since when Abdullah came. She wanted to yell at the girl but her husband stopped her
"Why? " He asked

Instead of answering his question she said "Baba, We would never settle. Why is it that my opinion is just waste? Why don't you ever try listening to me for once?"

"it's because You are young and don't know what is good for yourself" Maryam felt like strangling her parents " I can't decide anything for myself because I'm young? That includes even the dress I'll wear?" That is just the fact. Sometimes her mother even choose the dress she'll wear mostly in occasions just like today.

"Maryam, his father is your father's friend and boss. How do you expect your Father to say No?  And this is also for your own Good. The guy is rich, handsome what else do you need?"

"Freedom of decision. I need to decide for myself" Her mother scoffed "Your stupid decision won't help our financial issues , it won't feed us and clothe us and let me tell you Mar
...yam. Life is money. Without money life is waste " Maryam opened her mouth to talk but was stopped by her Father " It's final! You are marrying Abdullah and period!!"

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