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She ran to her room ignoring Jawahir calling her name. She banged the door shut and fell in front of it. She cried out of pain and anger. Why is it that money is The only thing that has says in this world? If it's even about the marriage she doesn't have any problem but why would they just decide this for her? Why can't they talk to her and ask for her opinion? They chose the name they would call her, the type of clothes she would wear, the school she would attend, they course she would study, everything? And now the husband she would marry? She agreed to all those but not this! This is her future we are talking about! If they think they can decide this one for her, then Haynaku! They are wrong about this

All what she know right now is that she would never work this marriage out


She spent the whole of that day without coming out of her room and to say that she's hungry would be an understatement. Jawahir kept knocking at her door but she refused to answer and she finally gave up and left. Maryam hates it but she has to come out of her room and look for food. So she decided to wait till they are all asleep before she goes out of her room. She munched some biscuits of hers and waited

Around 10:00 pm, she decided to go out since she didn't hear their movements and noise anymore. She opened the room and walked to the kitchen slowly not scared for one bit. The house is totally dark and she hardly sees her way but that didn't scare her. What most girls don't like, darkness. As she entered the place, her hand searched the wall looking for the switch. She luckily found it but before she could turn it on, the place illuminated making her move back as she saw the figure that turned it on before she did


"What are you doing here?!" She asked wondering. Thankfully her hijab was on her if not she would have ran back to look for it since she was in her pyjama. What the hell was he even doing in this house? Was he not supposed to leave immediately after breakfast?

"To look for water duh!" He replied as if it was the most obvious thing on earth wondering why she'll ask. As if he lived in this house for years.

She scoffed " Excuse me, Are you not supposed to be gone by now? What are you still doing in this house?"

"Yeah I'm leaving tomorrow you don't have to send me away. I missed flight so I couldn't go back to Abuja and your parents asked me to stay here for today" He shrugged "It was even your fault that I missed flight to go back home "

She clenched her teeth " How is it my fault?"

"I spoke to your parents about not informing you and the conversation was hot so I ended up missing my flight"

She looked at him "You did?"

She ran his fingers down his hair "Of course I did and they promised to talk to you about the matter" She scoffed but didn't want to say anything bad about her parents so she kept quiet

"Okay then am hungry that I can eat a horse" She said moving into the kitchen. She wasn't trying to start a conversation with him. Infact, she was trying to avoid it but it's just the truth she's saying. Well even thou we all know that she can't eat a horse

"Well that's the result you get for locking yourself in the room" He said laughing and leaving the kitchen. She rolled her eyes opening the cupboard. She has forgotten that she was angry at him completely

Maybe, just Maybe her parents decision is the best for her


Abuja, Nigeria

Hajia Hajara Idris Uthman scoffed lightly as she sat down on the sofa. Her gold bangles dangling by the process "What did he say?" She asked her Husband who hit his hand slightly with his phone. Alhaji Idris Uthman turned around looking at his wife "He missed his flight so he's coming back tomorrow" Hajia hajara hissed lightly "Am very much sure it's that girl that stopped him from coming back. I wonder why you sent him there Wallahi" She turned her head after saying that knowing she would receive a glare from her husband. She wonder why her husband insist that her son must Marry that girl. Thou there husbands are best of friends, Hajia Aisha and Hajia Hajara are never anything close to that. Hajia Aisha takes herself as something while Hajia Hajara is too full of herself because her husband is richer than Aisha's

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