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Maryam slipped her arm into Abdullah's as she noticed a girl ogling at him. Their flight had landed and she changed her phone to 'roam' and  called her parents to tell them about her surprise. She also called Muna to tell her also and the lady couldn't stop dancing after hearing the news.  Jawahir! Was more than elated and she teased Maryam till she was scolded by Ammeiy. "Okay okay Yar Dubai tell your hubby that you have a sweet lovely sister and you know Erm... He should buy something for me" That was what Jawahir said wiggling her brows

The same girl that was ogling at Abdullah with the little or no shame she didn't posses came to where the duo are waiting for their boxes to finish the processes

"Yo handsome" She said to Abdullah acting as if Maryam didn't exist. Abdullah sent her a glare that with no doubt sent shivers down her spine.

The stupid girl went on "Urh can I get your contact please"

"No" Abdullah replied with a stern face

"Rude" The lady Mumbled. Maryam who couldn't hold it anymore narrowed her eyes on the lady "I'm possessive over what's mine so watch out" She warned pointing at her with a finger. Maryam didn't want to say that in his presence but the stupid girl triggered her to say that. Abdullah couldn't hold back the smile that made it's way to his lips. She called him 'hers'


They visited so many places of tourism in Dubai and now they walked on the streets of Dubai arm in arm. Maryam enjoyed how the streets are quiet, how birds chirped and how leaves danced. She kept a mental note to go for a walk every afternoon on their estate at Abuja

"Do you know that life without you wasn't easy My love?"

She chuckled fixing her gaze on the ground.

"Why don't we try a race?" He asked out of the blue with enthusiasm

She rolled her eyes "Don't even start because you know I'll run faster than you"

"Then prove it"

"Oh please am saving you from embarrassment" She replied rolling her eyes.

"It's okay since you said that" He shrugged which she only chuckled. No nobody spoke after that time and they continued walking.

"What's wrong?" She asked as she saw him walking fast

"MARYAM RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!" Abdullah yelled running away. Maryam didn't need to be told twice. She ran so fast leaving him behind. She turned only for her to see him laughing and falling on the ground. The most annoying thing was that, he was pointing her and laughing at her

"I've agreed with you that you can run faster than me. Heck!" he said in between laughs

"This isn't funny you know " She yelled huffing due to the running she did

He managed to stop laughing "Okay firstly, you know that I won't run and leave you  when something happens. Secondly,  thou you said you can run fast but I don't think you know that you can run this fast. Look at yourself please" He laughed more harder while she looked at her legs. Her strap slippers had flew to only God knows. Her muffler is now backwardly tied to her neck

She was supposed to think of that but they say 'if you see an African man running don't ask for feedback just join. It's better she run for her life since Gentle men in her country are scarce. She looked for her slippers
slipping her legs into it,  she walked further heading back to their suite

"Maryam sorry I was just kidding"

She ignored him moving forward. Abdullah sighed. This is going to be harder than he thought

But wait! There's biscuit isn't it?

Yess!!! He's got this!!


Abdullah woke up with a smile on his face. He remembered how he plea with Maryam to smile yesterday. Bribing her with biscuit,
His puppy dog looks, his smiles, his hugs, kisses,...... Sigh

He jumped off the bed as his eyes were hungry to see the love of his life. He remembered when he told himself
"All arranged Marriage works but theirs  would never work"

He shook his heads to get rid of those thoughts as he moved out of the room. He decided to check the kitchenette first. He knows their breakfast had arrived by now. Walking into the kitchen, he spotted the food intact but noticed a knife on the ground surrounded by blood. He spotted the droplets of blood leading to a way.

"Maryam!" He called but no answer. He followed the traces of blood that led him to the dinning which consisted of two chairs. He gasped as he spotted Maryam lying under the table


*Fateematou went on her heels and jumped into a room. She quickly stopped on her tracks and peeped outside reminding  her readers to


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They ran after her and she yelled running for her life 😂😂*


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