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"If you know you have a good heart, let your heart take the lead"

She remembered Fateemah's advice and for the first time she let her heart to lead her

"Yes" She replied making him pull her into a bone crushing hug. He pulled out and opened the box which the ring was in. He removed the ring and slit it in her ring finger

"I know you must be hungry let's eat first"

All this while she didn't say anything.

"Come I'll be the one to feed you today".

"Abdullah" She called out making him look at her with worry because of the serious tone she used


"Please don't make me regret my decision. Don't let me take 4th September as the day made the biggest mistake of my life"

"shh! Don't ever repeat that again. Take it as a promise Insha Allah you would never regret it"
He started getting her into conversation and within some minutes, she was back to her jovial self.

And then

They became part of each other

They worked out their marriage on
4th September


"Maryam don't lie to me"

"Shut up please Batool"

"Awwn she's blushing! Maryam you can't hide anything from your Batool. Now every thing is settled between you two?"

Maryam meekly nodded

Batool rested the phone on only God knows and stood up dancing shaku shaku to the beat only she hears. Maryam rolled her eyes to stop herself from blushing but couldn't. Batool begun teasing her till she was tired and ended the call Smiling to herself

She feels complete


Masoud brought out his lighter from his pocket. He lighted the cigarette that peeped from his mouth. Using his index finger and middle finger, he brought the cigarette out of his mouth puffing out the air that filled his lungs

He just can't wrap his head around what happened yesterday. He can't imagine that Maryam slapped him . Not caring about the crowd that stared at them. He ran his fingers down his hair but immediately shoved his hand in his pocket as his phone buzzed. He swiped across the screen and shoved it to his ear

"Waddup" He spoke waiting the other end's reply. The person from the other end spoke making Masoud stand up from the bench he was sitting

"What ?!"

"How-" The other person spoke cutting him off. He sighed huffing in anger

"Okay then I'll do it"


Hajia Hajara Idris Uthman came out of her SUV Lexus and moved into the restaurant . On her way, she bumped into a lady who flashed her a smile

"Am sorry it was a mistake"

Hajara who clenched her teeth now released her teeth and tried to force a smile "Just be careful next time. Try to watch your way"

"I'll try to"

Hajara smiled and turned to leave but the lady said something

"And oh- Know that what ever you do, Good or bad, you shall face the consequence "

"Excuse me but why did you say that? Erm what do you mean?"

"It's the advise my mom usually tells me. So I tell people just to share" She innocently shrugged while Hajara hummed and hissed heading to her destination. She went towards a figure and settled herself on the chair opposite him

"Mama" The man said

"Masoud" she replied keeping her bag

"How are you? How's everything?"

"I know you are not actually asking for my health and for everything, I know what you are talking about and everything is fine"

He chuckled sipping his water "Mama kenan "

"Your brother told me that you went to his house. Why did you do that? Don't you know it -"

"Mama don't worry about that and don't mind him. I'll keep coming back into his life till he accepts me back "

Mama sighed and suddenly smirked

After bumping into Hajia Hajara and after giving her the piece of advice, a voice snapped her out of her trance

"Fateemah!" Maryam called for the 3rd time

"Who was that? I saw you talking to someone but couldn't see the person's face"

"Oh it was.... A woman I mistakenly bumped into"

"Alright then I've paid the bills already. I want to go back home"

"Okay let's go"

"Tell me the location of your house so I'll drop you"

They drove to Fateemah's house chatting about nothing and everything. They met yesterday but in no time they are best of friends. After they reached, Fateemah insisted on her to go in and greet her mother. She sighed in defeat and trailed behind Fateemah


The door bell rang and Maryam ran to the door knowing who it was. She sighed multiple times trying to maintain. She opened the door and smiled immediately her gaze fell on Abdullah but his face was otherwise. His lips were in a frown, eyes in a frown, brows in a frown. She tried collecting his bag but he flinched and side step her walking upstairs

She stood for some seconds confused but decided that maybe he was tired. She closed the door and walked back to the kitchen finishing off some work. When she came out, he was already on the table and had already served himself the food that was arranged on the table. She chuckled sitting down on the table

"Today you did it yourself. You severed yourself" He ignored her and went on eating his food

"What is happening? Why are you quiet since?" He didn't reply but he gripped his fork firmly

"Are you now numb or what? What's wrong



"SHUT YOUR STUPID MOUTH OFF I'M EATING!" He yelled hitting his hand on the table

To say she was shocked would be an understatement. She waited for him to sigh and run down his fingers in his hair telling her that he's sorry he yelled but he didn't. He stood up to leave the place but she stood up in hurry blocking his way

"Get out of the way else-"

"You would kill me? What is wrong with you Abdullah?"

"Get out of my way or you regret ever knowing me"

"I know my Ya Abdullah would never do that. Listen, I know you are angry but I know you would never do something that would make me regret knowing you"

He pushed her out of his way but she still didn't give up

"Tell me what the hell I did to you?"


"You...you what? " Her voice cracked "Why did you do that to me? What happened yesterday. Why did you"

He scoffed "I guess this was what I promised you on that you wouldn't say but table turned and here I am. I wish I didn't promise you that so Maybe, just Maybe I wouldn't be the one saying it
On 4th September was the Day I made the biggest mistake of my life!" He stormed upstairs

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