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Last chapter.....

Unedited 😄

Epilogue coming soon

I know the secret you are trying to unveil" She typed and sent to two numbers

Doctor Safeena And Maryam

"Anti nurse you are needed here!" one of the nurses yelled which she yelled an 'okay' quickly shoving her phone back in her pocket


As soon as Maryam and Abdullah arrived at the Umar Farouq resident, Joy was the aura that surrounded them. The Idris Uthmans arrived to welcome them also. In no Time, Maryam and Abdullah shared all what they brought for them. Maryam's parents organised a barbeque for welcoming them back.

"The grills are awesome! I know Jawahir didn't lay her hands on it and Thank God " Maryam muttered pushing a chunk of meat into her mouth

"Haha just go on eating and lick your fingers and babe I did this" Jawahir said laughing

Maryam vehemently shook her head "If you lie to me again I'll kick your behind"

"If you two are done with your santi let me tell you, I can grill better than you all" Abdullah said to them sticking a cut of meat into his fork

"Abdullah I hate lies. Let me be sincere, Abdullah can't even boil water Maryam" His father said which Maryam laughed at him

Hajia hajara who clenched her eyes spoke "Stop criticizing my son. Is it his duty to begin with? The person with the duty couldn't handle it then how can Abdullah cope" She said glaring at Maryam. All laughter died down as they weren't pleased with her words

"That's what you always do. Detriment good moments" Hajia Aisha said rolling her eyes

Alhaji Umar Farouq decided to stop the wrong that's about to happen " um,  yes it's the duty of a woman to cook but sometimes we men aren't also useless alright?"

"Of course" Abdullah and the two fathers spoke in unison

"Let's thank Allah for blessing us with a wonderful Family such as this"


Dr safeena pushed her to the wall hitting the woman's two hands on the wall "Watch out Anti Nurse" She spitted the words releasing Anti Nurse

"How sure are you that I sent the message Safeena"

Dr Safeena chuckled " I know you Anti Nurse. I know how you think plus you are the only person that saw what happened"

Anti Nurse knew what happened from the beginning to the end. She saw everything so she knew Dr safeena would get a hold of her "Don't you think it's high time to let the dern out? Unveil everything Safeena. You can't live your whole life with the guilt-"

"It wasn't my fault Anti Nurse. I had no other choice" She muttered with a cracked voice

Anti Nurse let out a measured breath "And also the girl. She's hell bent on knowing it truth then help her. You know how it feels to be  betrayed"

She let out an exasperated breath "You think so? How am I sure you're not trying to-"

"To what? C'mon you still don't trust me? The secret has been safe with me for 23 years"

"And now you are trying to betray me then how can I trust you?" She asked sitting down on the sofa

"Jeez, I just sent you that message to help you make the right decision. Of course I know you can find out who it is but I know she can't"

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