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Abdullah who couldn't stop the brakes just started praying. He knew he would just go over the lady now and nothing can he do about it. To his surprise the car stopped. He muttered an Alhamdulillah and 'That was close ' He hopped out of the car

Maryam who closed her eyes waited for the car to Smash her off but she didn't feel any pain. That means the car didn't hit her.

"Maryam?" She heard a voice she never expected to hear. She opened her eyes while Abdullah ran to where she was

"Are you okay?"

"Do you care? You know what? I wish this car didn't stop and I wish you shattered me into pieces. I would have been more elated than to live this miserable life "

"Is something wrong with you? Do you know what you are saying?"

"What are you doing here?" She asked ignoring his question

"I came to meet your parents. Let's end this once and for all"

"You hate me this much?"

"I don't hate you. I despise you. I'm taking the matter to your parents --"

"Stop calling them my parents!" Maryam yelled if not it's already Magrib and everybody have gone to Masjid, the nosy ones would have come to ask what was wrong. He pulled her hand to his car and pushed her in. He closed the door and went to the other side. He hopped in and turned to look at her

"What's wrong?"

She joined her two palms together in a clap form "Please let's leave here. Me precisely. Take me away from here"

He sat there not knowing what to do but he decided to ignite the engine and go to Alhaji Umar Farouq's house


"Ya mims please " Jawahir pleaded crying. Maryam agreed and left the car. Abdullah left the car since but Maryam said she's not going in. They were all surprised seeing him while he pretended as if he didn't come to tell them something after seeing the situation they were in. He doesn't know what  happened but he knows it's something serious since Maryam refused to go inside the house. He knows how Maryam  loves their house then all of a sudden she doesn't want to enter again? It kinda sounds ridiculous

Nobody talked about that issue throughout the night. Maryam and Jawahir didn't come out from their room, Alhaji didn't gist with Abdullah like they usually do whenever they meet. Hajia sat in the balcony till when it was time for her sleep then she stood up and left. She didn't forget to show Abdullah his room. Abdullah wondered what was wrong but remembered that it's about Maryam
'He doesn't look like he cares ' He said to himself
The next day, they woke up and did everything together like they normally do but till now Maryam didn't say anything. Abdullah told her it was time for them to leave so she went to the room and brought out her trolleys. She came with the intention of not leaving so you know there must be lot of clothes

"Baba, Ammeiy I'm leaving and am sorry for yesterday" Maryam said to her parents

"We are sorry Maryam. Really sorry"

Maryam ignored her Father "Thank you for everything" She smiled at them and hugged Jawahir. She hopped into the car without looking at any of them

"Abdullah my regards to your Father " Alhaji Idris said while Abdullah nodded and ignited the engine. They drove to Abuja

"Where are you taking me now?" Maryam asked after an awkward silence

"Home " He replied concisely. He wanted to ignore her but realised it wasn't a stupid question

"I thought you said you were ending up everything with me"

"Then where do you want me to Take you to? "

"Drop me on the road, or drop me in the bush. Anyone you prefer"

He ignored her and drove to Kaduna in Awkward silence


Maryam tried so much to avoid him since that day. They live in the same house but they didn't set each other in each other's eyes. Abdullah moved to another bedroom so this one became Maryam's. Maryam usually wakes up early and make breakfast then she'd go back to her room. If he leaves the house, then she'd Come out and do what she's supposed to do then leave for school. When she comes back, she makes dinner and take her own to the room and won't come out till in the morning. For a week that was the pattern of their lives 'Avoid each other '

"Sir you have a guest" Abdullah's secretary said through the phone

"Let him in" Abdullah replied as remembering that he was expecting a Business partner

"Sir it's a she"

"She? Okay just let her in" 

He hung off the call the and the next minute, door flung open and a lady walked in

"Have a sit" He pointed at the visitor's seat. She sat down keeping her bag on the table between the seat she occupied, and the other one facing it

"Young lady what do you want? Who are you?"

"I'm Fateemah. I want to talk to you"


Maryam dialed Fateemah's number because she didn't see her at School. Maryam hopped into her car and the driver zoomed out of the school.

After the 30 minutes drive, the car pulled out and Maryam thanked the driver hopping out. She unlocked her house and ambulated in rushing to finish cooking on time before he comes back. Yeah they are still on their 'Avoid each other' game. A knock on the door came to her ears. She internally cursed herself for not finishing everything on time. And now she has to face his ugly face. Yes ugly. She has tried so hard to hate him and she has succeeded. And now she hates everything about him.

She opened the door and her orbs met a dark mournful, woe be gone, teary, sad and regretful orbs. He took her by surprise as he hugged her not letting her to wriggle out

"I'm sorry" Was what he kept saying

"Get off me!" She wriggled out of his hold

"I love you so much Maryam"

"And I don't hate you I despise you!" She spat the words

"it wasn't his fault Maryam. It's my fault "



Akwai drama!!!

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