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"Fatima what are you saying?"

"since from the beginning I came as spy to you not actually a friend" She brought out some pictures from her bag and showed Maryam. Maryam stared at the pictures in shock. The first picture was her and Masoud  in the Cafe. He rested his hands on hers. She remembered the day. Something Just clicked in her mind. Is that why her parents shifted the date in two days?

The second one was Masoud and her in hospital. It was the time he intertwined their fingers together by force. The photographer took exactly that time

The third one was when he sat close to her on her first day at school. The time she slapped him

Fatima pointed at the First picture "All this pictures I was the one that took it. I sent them to Abdullah based on what I was ordered"

"Order from who? "

"From the least you expected Batool"

"What? Batool would never do this to me"

"That's why I have this" Fatima said bringing out a small recording device. She touched it and Batool's voice filled the air

"What you are supposed to do now Fatima is, You are the waitress and you would Take the picture while Masoud, You would just appear into the cafe then I'll pretend as if I don't want to see you. I'll stand up and leave.  You make sure to put your hand on hers or hug her or anything then that's the time Fatima would take the picture. Send it to her Parents so the marriage would be postponed" Maryam looked at Fatima and that was when she realised that Fatima was that waitress that was telling them what they want and they replied her with 'nothing'

"So after that, we heard that the marriage was shifted in 2 days time. Batool was angry and she decided to go on with this plan. The second one too I took the picture. In the hospital, she told the doctor to delay you so Masoud would see you. He intertwined your fingers together and I took a picture. The 3rd one at school too wasn't different.  She told me to come into your life as a friend. Actually I didn't go to study perhaps if you'd notice,  I never attended any lectures. I took the picture and complied everything waiting for when I'll send it"

Flashback shows Fatima, Batool and Masoud seated in disguise. They were sitting in a restaurant but in different seats. The are having their meeting but through their ear pods even though they are sitting in the same restaurant

"The stupid couples worked everything out!" Batool almost yelled in anger

"Don't You think this is the right time we send the pictures? That would make Her think  he used her and just wanted to break her heart"

Batool's face lit "Yes MasoudFatima you know the rest. After you send it, find a way to go to the house and check if he has seen it"

"Done" Fatima Muttered

"Masoud you have to disappear for some time because Abdullah would look for You"

Fatima paused the recording

"I took this recordings just to have what to threaten Batool when she denies me my money but eventually I pitied you and felt 
sorry for you and also felt guilty so I decided to show you. I decided to let you know"

Maryam sniffed "Does Batool know that you told me?"

"No. She's planning to visit you today and would tell you it's a surprise visit but actually she's coming to make another plan on you"

Maryam stood numb she doesn't even know whom to be angry at Fatimah? Abdullah? Batool? Masoud?

She's angry at Fatima that she came to spy on her. She's angry at Abdullah that he saw the pictures but never informed her or even talked to her. He just decided to hate her. There was a time she told him to tell her what she did but he only asked her
"Do you know Masoud?". She's Angry at Batool for lying at her and betraying her. What would she gain if she destroys her happiness? And the most bad of it she comes back and act neutral as if she wants the happiness of Maryam. She's Angry at Masoud. Why most he destroy her life? Why?

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