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Days moved by and time ran as fast as it could not waiting for anyone to get ready or moving according to any one's wish. Abdullah and Maryam's Date was set in 2 months time and preparations went on going each family trying to show the other what they are capable of doing. Financially precisely. Maryam however, didn't hear anything from Abdullah. It's not like they  both have each other's number to begin with. Her mother didn't sit down for one bit since the preparations started to her she has to make everything perfect just to impress. For some unknown reasons Maryam didn't seem to look for a way to cancel the marriage.  She doesn't even understand herself if she wants it or not. Maryam shook her head to get rid of all thoughts as she waited for batool. But instead of the thoughts to leave, another one came in...infact the worst one

"Ya Maryam, I usually read in books that arranged marriage works. I think I'll believe that too because your own looks like it would be the best arranged marriage ever. The man not only likes you but loves you. Try to love him and then everything would sort out. The decision lies on your hands"

"Hello!" A voice said snapping her out of her trance. She smiled as she saw who the voice belonged to

"Batool! You're too good at sticking to your promises. Coming early precisely" She said sarcastically. Batool rolled her eyes and pulled the seat opposite Maryam. She sat down keeping her hand bag on the table along with a paper bag

"So I've gotten exactly what you wanted" 

Maryam snickered "What Ammeiy wanted" She corrected and she wasn't lying. What do you expect? On normal days she chooses the dress for her then what of today? You know it won't be an exception. Batool took the paper bag shaking her head slightly. The issue between Maryam and her mother is some how amusing to her. How can someone not being given the freedom to at least choose what to wear? She handed the paper bag to Maryam and she collected keeping it on the vacant chair beside her without even  checking it. It's not like she cares about the dress.  She started their normal chit chats about nothing and everything that always helps take off the worry that disturbs Maryam. Batool is always a friend that tries to pin a smile on your Face. She's always there for you and always advice Maryam when needed. She's not older than Maryam but she's the only friend that Maryam tells her the problems she's facing and surely she'll keep an advice that with no doubt won't be useless. A waiter came after noticing that they sat there for like 10 minutes without ordering anything. As nosy as she is she decided to go to thier table and ask them. She stood in front of their table but the ladies seem to enjoy there conversation not anything around them.  They just absently replied her with 'Nothing' even thou that wasn't even the question she asked them. She asked them if they can try their new lemonade recipe they did today. So definitely if they heard her question, they would not reply her with 'nothing'
She gave up and left the place since there total attention was on their conversation. Batool was talking when her phone pinged. She glanced at the phone picking it from the table. She swiped across the screen and excused herself. Maryam watch Batool as the girl explains something to the person she was talking with in phone. Maryam chuckled as she knows it's always not something serious. The likes explaining any small thing and is good at it. Maryam once told her she would be Good if she becomes a teacher but the ran after her with a spatula. lol

Finally she was done and she came back to the chair she occupied earlier

"Miss explanation was it something serious?" Maryam asked chuckling

"Of course not-" She stopped midway as the bell at the door of the café chimed indicating someone's presence. The person Maryam least expected to see.

"What the hell is he doing here?!" Batool asked no one in particular standing up as he was approaching them. Maryam held the girl's hand because she knows how crazy she can be. She flinched and picked up her bag
"Alright then!  You can stay with him all you want but am not!" She yelled getting attention to herself and she banged the door after leaving the place

"Can I seat?" He asked pointing at the seat Batool earlier occupied

"No" Maryam concisely replied looking at him straight in the eye. A normal human would have gotten angry and walk out but not him. He pulled the chair and sat down

"I need to talk to you" He said resting his hand on her hand that was on the table


Maryam shut the door to her car and walked into their house. Immediately after she closed the main door, Her Father called her name. She answered moving to where his voice came from. He was pacing from this wall to that wall hitting his hand with his phone while her mother had her shoulders going rising and Falling due to anger. To sum everything up, A huge wrong it is about to happen. She can feel the 'tension' in the air

"Abba,  Ammeiy is something wrong?"

"You even have the audacity to ask! " Her mother yelled at her. Maryam shifted her gaze to her father who gave her a look that scared her. He moved to where she stood and the next thing she felt was a slap on her face causing her face to maneuver to the left



Whooa! Never saw that coming??

So any idea on what happened?

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