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Maryam was too tired when they arrived at Abuja. She didn't even look at the house or the streets of Abuja as she was fond of doing that whenever she goes to a place. Family and friends took her to her house and she would lie if she says that she wants them to leave. For the first time she felt too scared. No not that she's fearless but she hardly fears anything but this is a different issue. Her family took her to her  house and left her there with the person she would live with from now henceforth. She's not even in the same state with her parents, she's going to leave with another set of parents here.

"Five hundred thousand or we are not leaving you to see your bride!" Muna said clapping her hands together

Abdullah and his friends sigh and they gave them what they wanted even decided to add bonus. The girls left while they moved further into the room. Abdullah went over to the bed sitting close to his wife who ducked her head down. He kept the two nylons close to her

"Our bride our bride " Jibril said  earning a glare from Abdullah "Your bride you and who?"

"Woah! Sorry o don't send me six feet under" He said raising his hand in surrender

"Better" Abdullah said smiling. The three friends with the exception of Abdullah looked at each other and then next thing the room was filled with their husky voices in the name of song

"Happy married life Abdullahhhh!"

"Happy married life Maryammm
We wish you happy...happy married life" They smiled at the end as if they did something impressing while the couples looked at each other, and didn't know when they begun laughing at the bunch of worst singers they have ever seen. Do they call this song? Mehn this is terrible !

"You are finding our surprise song funny? The song we planned the minute your wedding was set?"

Abdullah couldn't stop himself from laughing after hearing that it was a surprised song while the bunch of worst singers sat wondering what was wrong with their song. They decided that they are tired of this nonsense

"Enough!  We are going since you are finding our song funny. The song we had sleepless nights and stood practicing it" They stood up and left the room ignoring the couples that kept calling them. Abdullah went after them so he'll calm them down. They are his friends and he knows them like the back of his palm so making them calm down is something easy to him. He kept coughing to stop himself from laughing.  Maryam chuckled standing up on her feet to go and perform ablution. She felt so much better after Abdullah and his 'worst  choir singers' came. One side of her fore head took her off guard with a striking head ache and she didn't know how but she slipped out of consciousness


Abdullah sighed after he had calm down his friends. He came back to the room but stopped in his track as he saw Maryam unconsciously laid on the floor. He all but ran to her kneeling down in front of her

"Maryam! Maryam! " He called but there wasn't any response. He touched her pulse and sighed after he realised that she was still breathing. He quickly took her in bridal style and kept her on the bed and ran into the toilet. He came out with water in a bowl and scooped some into his hand. Muttering some Duaas, he sprinkled it on her and luckily she opened her eyes. She then squeezed her eyes and opened it again trying to adapt with the light of the place

"I want to sleep" She mumbled her voice barely above a whisper. He nodded and helped her removed the Veil that was pinned to her head scarf. He mumbled some Azkaru Naum for her and after he was sure that she was asleep, he fell into the toilet and performed ablution. After he prayed, he came to where Maryam was sleeping and he rested his palm on her fore head and said the Duaah the newly weds are needed to say. He came back and sat on his prayer mat and recited the Quran for an hour. He folded the mat keeping it aside since he knows it won't take that long before Fajr prayer would come. He jumped on the bed and laid down facing his wife. For some odd reason, he wrapped his arms around her


He woke her up to pray Fajr and she did. Thankfully she prayed Isha at her in-laws house if not she wouldn't have done it yesterday night

"You scared me" He said carrying the Quran from the bedside drawer

"I was just tired that was why" He nodded and opened the Quran and started reciting it. She didn't know how to recite the Surah since she didn't reach the place so she only watched as he recited it. She couldn't stop herself from admiring the Qiraah and as the Maryam as she is, she had to talk

"I like your Qiraah"

He couldn't stop himself from smiling because he badly wants to hear this from his family. So many people told him this but he only wants to hear it from them unfortunately, they are always busy on things concerning the Dunya( world)

At least part of his family said it

"Do you want me to teach you? "

"Yes please. I wanted to ask you so I can go back to Isllamiya but since I have a mualim here then no need" She shrugged at the end

"Don't worry you have Isllamiya right at the comfort of your home. We'll start whenever you are ready"  She nodded and folded her praying mat. He stood up so she folded his prayer mat too and kept them by the side. She jumped on the bed

"Won't you sleep?" She asked. He also jumped on the bed and laid but both backing each other

"Before I forget, let's talk" Maryam heard his voice

"About what?" She asked

"Nothing would happen between us" He said waiting for her reply. When she didn't, he thought maybe she didn't understand so he tried to elaborate
"I mean-"

"Please I get it. It's okay" She said quickly trying to stop him from what he wanted to say. He chuckled and then spoke

"And oh- I came with chicken yesterday but you 'blacked out ' so we'll warm it in the morning and also I decided to buy biscuit for you "

"You mean there's biscuit?" She asked suddenly getting excited

"Yes but you can't eat it now" he said knowing that's what she would say now

She pulled the duvet pouting even thou he can't see her since they backed each other while they both moved to  the edge of the bed


How was it?

I can't believe that I'm the one writing these short short chapters. Me that can write 4,000 words per chapter

Anyways Aalis na po ako 🚶🚶(I'm going now)

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