Eleven - flash backs and terror

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"Tell me everything, rose, come and sit down," harry said, gesturing towards a table, then turning round and noticing the dinning room table was splintered and smashed to bits. Harry coughed awkwardly, then chose to sit on the only part of the floor that didn't have household debris.

Harry held out his arms, welcoming both Rose and Hugo to sit down next to him.  Rose considered harry's offer for a few seconds then nodded her head and came to sit down, Hugo followed his sister, still looking nervous with his sad eyes darting around the smashed room.

"Take your time, but you need to tell me everything," harry said,trying not to sound pressuring, but it was hard as harry was eager to know exactly what happened. He wasn't eager because he was curious he wanted to know so that he could bring hell to whoever did this.

Rose took a deep breath and started to recite what had happened. "It was horrible, we were both so scared" she started, he voice trembling.

Flash back

"It will be okay, Hugo, mums just lost" Rose said as she soothed her younger brother,stoking his long hair, Hugo replied with a muffled sob. Rose sighed, "do you know why I say mummy's lost?" She asked, Hugo merely shook his head, "well, when I think of something or someone being lost, I always think that I will find what I lost, so you know what I'm trying to say?" Hugo nodded his head, even though Rose wasn't looking g at him, she knew he nodded as she felt, his head was rested against her shoulder. Rose decided to explain what she said anyway. "It means that i am certain mummy will come back. And everything will be okay." She stated.

Although Rose had said that she was certain that hermione would come back, rose wasn't sure if she would, she didn't even know where her mother was, never mind if she'd come back. And if hermione did reappear, she would be heartbroken, still emotionaly wounded by the lose of her husband, Ron.

The two siblings sat, peacefully hugging eachother, trying to find thier own place of tranquility. If that was possible any more. They just let eachother spin around in their own thoughts, relfecting, occasionally drifting off into their land of deams. But most of all, they remembered. They remebered their father, they remembered ginny- thier aunt.

After a while of thinking and dreaming, Hugo cleared his throat, and began to talk. His voice sounding hoarse from lack of talking. "Rosey" he started, Rose hated it when people called her that, but she gave an exception to Hugo, as, after all,he was her brother.


"Will we ever stop loosing people?" He asked Rose innocently.

This question broke Rose's fragile heart. Someone as young as Hugo shouldn't have to experience loss. Rose was unsure how to phrase what she was about to say. "For now, we wont be losing anyone else, but you have to remember, Hugo, everyone has to go at some point" Rose said wisely, she resumed to stroking the top of Hugo head.

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