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'You seem tense.'

He looked up to the young man who was walking by his side, his long arm draped around him, already easing his mind, sheltering him. His smile was so radiant and for a second he forgot where he was, or how horrible his night was going to become.

'Um..kinda. Just had a rough day,' he replied, hoping his voice didn't quiver. The man laughed and held him tighter and he felt warmer inside.

Please just go away.

'That's okay. I'm sure things will get better soon,' he smiled. He tried to return it, hoping it was as genuine as possible. But he didn't feel so happy right now.

Who was this strong man who left his friends when he saw him acting like a coward, scurrying about with no clue of where to go? He should have headed straight home but even that scared him. He was planning to run away as far as possible when this blonde boy with shining bronze skin and slim features, probably a few years older than him, had requested to walk him home. But at this point, his feet were not even taking them there. They were taking them somewhere quieter, isolated with their surroundings clear and empty, with civil noises now in the distance.

Please leave.

A buzzing noise stirred both of them and they glanced in the direction it came from.

The young blonde's pocket.

'Excuse me,' he said while reaching for his phone, his arm still comforting around his shoulder. He picked up the phone and started to address the person on the other side, which now was none of his concern. He was feeling queasy in the stomach, his heart starting to beat loudly in his ears.

Now's your chance. Please just go.

He could feel his hair now draping till his shoulders. He stopped in his tracks, the blonde's hand slowly leaving his shoulder as he walked ahead, only stopping when the kind man felt the stir in the atmosphere.

Run away. Just get lost.

He heard the blonde dismissing the phone but that didn't matter now. He looked down, and he could see his shadow growing.

'Um...you okay?'

Leave me alone.

'Hey...' he managed to let out the words, his throat already feeling dry.

'What's your name?'

Leave, leave! LEAVE!

'Oh, it's Brandon,'


He stood there, the two sharing silence for what felt like a long time.


Well...Too late

He looked up and Brandon's face turned from concern to shock, his brown eyes widening.

'You're really cute.' he smiled, his mouth drooling. The colours he could see were now in hues of red.

The boy let out a yelp as he slowly tried to back up, his phone slipping from his hands.

'You are SO cute...' he drew out the words, his hands enlarging his nails and fingers growing out of the skin, he watched helpless little Brandon lose his footing and fall, now trying desperately to scramble away from him, his expression forming to sheer horror.

'That I wanna eat you,' he grinned widely.

The body went lifeless before it could even let out a voice of help.


'Even though I hate doing this,' he licked the red fluid dripping through his arm. He got up to his feet, scratching his round ears which were now perched on the top of his head. He stared at the body, still fresh and full of colour and he forgot where he was, or how bad his night had to become.

'I just can't help it,' he purred, taking another bite, feeling the boy's warmth once more

Feels nice...being a part of me. 

Hunted Predator [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now