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Joseph groaned in frustration, trying to zip his bag while stumbling towards the staircase.

I should really go to night academies.

He skipped down a few steps at a time, rushing towards the parking lot, swinging the bag behind his back.

Or maybe I should move into those hostels like Henry. I'll ask him about it today.

Joseph heard his car respond when he pressed the RKS. He jogged towards it and stopped once he reached it to take a few deep breaths, fumbling with his phone to check the time.

10:50 am

'Wow I'm late,' he exclaimed, jumping in his car, a silver KIA forte gifted to him by his father (his mother insisted so), and threw his bag on the passenger seat next to him. He started reversing his car as soon as he managed to get the key in.

I'll be back, bed.

He drove off in silence for a few minutes trying to zip past the cars to get to his school on time, but only ended up cursing when he couldn't get past the green light as it blinked to red. He tapped his fingers on his lap in agitation.

No matter how many times he tried to keep himself on a proper sleep cycle, it would always end up becoming worse, spending nights awake and dining with his classmates till 4:00, knowing too well he had to wake up early the next day. He specifically remembered that it wasn't so hard back when he was a kid. Perhaps that was since he never went to school and slept all day and played all night.

He turned on the radio to pass the time (and ignore the fact that some people had now started a fuss right in front of his car and it was going to take longer than usual)

'-of citizens becoming a victim of the wild predators has been rising comparatively since last July. Animal Experts have stated that predators are more active during the winters which could define the reasoning. Authorities suggest to remain indoors after twilight and if witness activities regarding such, do not hesitate to call. There will be patrols with extra precautionary measures to find the predators behind these terrible incidents...'

Joseph honked once more, managing to veer away from the minor accident and drove off. He lowered the volume of the radio to grab his phone. He dialled in the number of his classmate who he had to pick up by the highway.

Seriously, why the heck are you on the highway? Why the highway?! Of all the gracious places you could go to...you're in the middle of the-

'Hello, Joseph?'

'Ah yes hi! Where are you?'

'I'm...by the highway.' Luke replied, sounding a bit startled by the sudden response.

'I know that you idiot I mean like, which spot? Like dude why are you on the highway of all places?' Joseph huffed out in frustration, glancing at the phone when it vibrated next to his ear. He had received a location from him.

'Come quick, I'll show you,' he heard a smile creep up to his voice, 'Oh and take your time. Zack told me the teacher will be taking the next period.'

The long silence was enough for Luke to know that Joseph was in disbelief. Luke barked out a laugh,

'Dude...you didn't know?'

'I..' another loud cackle, 'have never...ever- woken up this fast for a class and this happens, I just-' he let out a long sigh, 'Sir you have betrayed me,' Joseph muttered in between Luke's fit of laughs.

'Ok just hurry up and come, ok? See you later.'

'Yeah ok see you.'


Hunted Predator [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now