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With the situation turning worse, with more bodies being found every week, and the media as well as the general public spiralling into chaos, the subject seems to become heavier to talk about, more sensitive and could not be played with lightly as bodies kept showing despite police going into an investigation for now 6 months. Hence none talked and many decided to only pray or take a practical role rather than talk shamelessly about it.

Especially those who had lost a loved one or had to face the unthinkable in the process. But since they were the on prodding, the small group were quite in shock and at the loss of what were they supposed to do

'Uh..ok,' Luke wiped the crumbs of the grilled sandwich from his hands and took a moment to register his question, feeling a twinge of unease, as he would usually be the one bringing up the very topic most of the time but had stopped after Jeremy's passing 'this is uh...quite a sudden question you're asking Adam uh..you're not obliged to,'

'No, but I want to,' he fixated his gaze on him, firm but almost reassuring him, 'I'm fine. Really. I just..think like... I don't know...,'

Adam played with his lips, trying to find the right words without stumbling.

'Hey you don't have to-'

'I'm fine Zack. And I want to,' he snapped and tried to make sense of the things, flaying his hands as he tried to form his thoughts. Liam glanced at Joseph

'Are...you okay with it too?' he asked the boy whose eyes seemed afar and darting in multiple directions. Joseph stared at Liam

'Uh..yeah,' then he nodded a bit harder, 'yeah I'm fine. Adam go on. What do you think?'

He had to practice keeping his composure now. Seeing Adam wanted him to be comfortable as well. He didn't want to be a wuss.

And he was fine. Like really. He had seen worse. He was fine.

'It's like...almost odd, you know? I mean look-' he placed his mug down and used both of his hands to gesture 'you're telling me that...random animals probably escaped a zoo or got their houses burnt down and probably came here and started feasting on people...without, I don't know...actually seeing any animal?'

An-and the fact that even if the victims are random the majority of them are guys...around our age or something..'

'Yeah but,' Jake slowly began after a shared reluctance, 'but we don't have any other proof. Like, we're drawing a blank here. I think the fact that they're not releasing the DNA testing is the problem...like it was only done once and that claimed to be an animal right?'

'But like...isn't it animals after all?' Luke interjected, 'like maybe people getting them murdered and then feed them to animals. But Joseph said otherwise?'

'Yes?' he jerked his head up, almost spilling coffee on himself. He felt the room turn warmer than usual with his neck. He rubbed his eyes to make his eyes come to focus, 'um... Yeah, I just thought...it was too far-fetched cuz they like..the bites I mean...I mean that's what the autopsy was showing you know?' he felt regained confidence building slowly in himself,

It's not a big deal. You're already used to this. He was fine.

'i mean even if someone is behind it...I don't know it sounds a bit too much because like the bites were way bigger than a dog or a carnivore-'

'But...what if it's not even animals, to begin with?' Henry suddenly piped in, feeling the sight reluctance to make the statement but tried nevertheless, ' like what if it...since we can't find any proof for any animal activity or shit it could be something else right? I mean aside from the fact it can be dogs since like not all dogs or carnivores are small you know but it can be more of a....Nah forget it,'

Hunted Predator [DISCONTINUED]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant