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He peeked through the corridor and saw her sitting by the window, reading a book with the light kissing her now lightly pale skin, seeming more tired by the day. Remelan wondered if it was because of him, which made the knot in his stomach tighten. The children were staying at Adelie's parents' house so the two could enjoy some time together, making the house quieter and stiller. He missed the little chaos. Her head perked up to follow the sound of his voice and her eyes met his, glinting and alive as ever, the gold eyes sparking with life, her dark hair was left open with strands falling through her shaped face causing his breath to hitch. And he was in love all over again.

He thought if he deserved her. If she deserved all that he had done?

'Yes love?' she asked, her heart-shaped lips morphed to a smile, her cheeks turning a warm hue, colouring her face with pure joy.

He shook his head. It was too much. He might still have a chance.

'I was thinking if,' he started, slowly walking towards her as his hands played with another, his eyes looking anywhere but her as he tried wording the question, while she humoured his still awkward stance and looked over the portion of the book she was reading. Finally, he got the words out of his throbbing throat,

 'If..having two kids is fine,'

Her fingers stopped midway from turning the page, her eyebrows creasing to a frown. She looked at Remelan with confusion.

'But didn't you-'

'I thought about it,' he interjected, Feeling more determined. He felt his throat wanting to claw out a scream. To just end it all but he continued, gesturing around him, 'But look at this. We have a good life. Everything settled. We're all happy,' he hoped that was true. He crouched down and softly grabbed her hand which was still left fluttering over the page, bringing it close to his face.

'Im happy like this,'

Adelie couldn't help but reciprocate his smile. Seeing him show even the slightest joy made her whole life complete. However, she couldn't stop the worry from disappearing,

'Yes but remey dear-'

'You think too much Adelie,' he sighed, feeling the air settle around him. He got up and assured her, 'We can't survive with these two devils it's fine,'

He started to walk away, not sure if he wanted to cry in joy or fear. She said yes. They were okay. His path of madness had stopped. He didn't have to worry anymore.

'I'm pregnant remey,'

Remelan stopped dead at the door, feeling tense up, he turned to Adelie, who stood by the table, her eyes narrowed with an expression he couldn't quite pick out. But it was all clouded now

'Wh-what?' he tried gasping out, his panic turning to anger, 'wh-why didn't you tell me earlier?'

'I wanted to but you seemed tired,' her voice died down, looking at Remelan with an expression she had never seen before. She could see his knuckles holding the door turn white as he turned rigid, his breathing slowly turning ragged.

'Is...is something wrong,' she asked, walking towards him, arms reached out for closure, but unsure at the same time. He caught her sight and for the first time, she was able to see what he truly was.


'Oh my God,' he whispered as he felt everything fall on him and his legs slowly gave up. He covered his face in his hands, his shoulders shuddering.

'I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry. What have I done-'

'Dearie what for?' she tried making herself look smaller, realising he was having a panic attack. She crouched near him, setting her hand gently on his back.

'It's okay. Take a deep breath. You're okay,'

Releman tried following her light voice under his ringing ears as he tried to stop himself from shaking. He felt pathetic. He was pathetic. He was horrible. He didn't deserve any of this. He was truly disgusting.

It felt like forever before he could slightly collect himself. He whispered between his shaky breaths

'Im so sorry,'

'Remey what are you sorry for?' she felt her voice crack as she leaned down to hold his hands which hid his face. He obliged and let her see his now tear-stricken face, his lower lip slightly trembling.

'Oh, love,' and he felt shame stab him all over again, 'I need to come clean with something,'


'Remelan,Its gonna be ok,'

It was still of the night. They went through it again and again. But that still wasn't enough for him. When he hadn't returned to bed, she came down to look and there he was, walking around, biting his nails. He spotted her and looked down in guilt. 

'I don't know I still think-'

'Stop it,' she snapped, making her way towards him, feeling rage envelope her. Towards who, she wasn't sure either, 'Just stop. I don't care about what they will think! I don't care about it! It's going to be okay you hear me,' despite her assurances, he still didn't want to meet her eye. She sighed and cupped her hand under his chin and gently turn him towards her. She looked at his red-shot eyes, filled with despair. She hated that. She hated whoever bound him to make him feel that way. She lightly smiled and whispered

'Look both of our children are fine perhaps this child won't have the fate you fear,' she caressed her hand on his face, his eyes darting in worry but a stilled calmness. He took a deep breath and exhaled.

I'm so sorry,'

'For the last time, Remelan,' she asked, feeling her heart shatter, 'What are you sorry about?'

'I ruined your future. Your everything,' he felt his mind cloud over, recalling it all; his actions, his intention, and now his doom. He was disgusting, 'For just a grudge,'

'And I don't mind,' she confessed, 'I knew the rumors. I knew it all from the beginning. And I took this decision,'

She held his hands,' Even if the world is against us if it wishes you dead. I'll die with you, okay? I will love you till death parts us,'

He felt his shoulders sag as if all the energy had been drained out of him and leaned his head on her shoulder.

'Why?' he whispered, 'why do you still love me? after all, I've done?'

She remained silent for a while, as she held him close, feeling her grip tighten as if he would disappear if she let go.

'Because... I believe I would've done the same thing,'

Hunted Predator [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now