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Joseph was quick, but the mysterious figure was quicker.

Joseph had clenched tight on the running figure's cloak as they- Joseph had no idea how in this pretty normal world- leapt up and nimbly climbed over the wall to the top of the building, causing the cloak to rip and the remainder left in his hands as the cloak wearer disappeared and all Joseph could do was stare back at the blank sky as it mocked him.

Joseph cursed under his breath, stomping his foot hard, filling up with more resentment for the unknown figure as the moments went on. He started walking back towards the crime scene- jogging to be exact since he had carelessly dropped his bag and the Gentlemen's jacket. Soon enough, he was running as things started to become much worse the more he thought about it. And those were:

1)It was raining.

2)He was drenched and wet,

3)The cold was finally stabbing his lungs,

4)If he was wet that meant his bag and the gentleman's jacket were soaked as well,

5)And he had carelessly left them out on the wet pavement,

6)Out in open, where they could get wet and all his month's efforts of notes drowning with them.

Maybe the small things you leave behind must not be forgotten as you recklessly make decisions as every protagonist of a movie. Every decision comes with its consequence.

Joseph leaned at the wall which lead the open way back to the main road he was taking and wheezed for air, finding it harder to do so as his lungs ached with every inhale he took. He aggressively zipped up his fleece jacket as it finally slid up. He clenched hard on his stomach as he groaned, feeling the food he had eaten churn, making him nauseous. He shouldn't have overeaten.

He looked in the direction where he had remembered he had left his bag and jacket, which was right near the entrance of the alleyway he had taken while chasing the person. Thankfully, they were still there. Not thankfully, the bottom of the bag was entirely wet. Joseph let out a short wheeze of disbelief as he cursed at himself a bit more and grabbed his bag to see how much damage he had caused it. The bottom was soaked but not enough for it to drip mercilessly, which was the only optimistic thing Joseph could think of.

Well, at least the jacket was fine. Joseph shrugged and placed the jacket under his arm, carefully sliding his bag behind him, hoping his bottom wouldn't get soaked in the process, which did as he walked. But now, he was too tired to think about it. Right now, he had to head back home and make sense of what he had seen.

Joseph stared at the cloth he had retrieved from the person he chased, which he had clenched so hard in his hand it almost ached to open, and he began analysing it. It had a velvet texture with seemingly darker hues of purple, and a suspicious scent of somewhat of lavender or sandalwood (he couldn't be sure) covered over rain dirt.

How did this figure know his name? His full name to be exact. He was sure he had never addressed his name that carelessly. Unless this person had gone through his school records or so- no, he was certain that wasn't the last name which was submitted. But that didn't conclude with the fact that they knew things almost no one knew but him. Something with him and him only. Only if they were close to him to that extent... Were they a stalker? And what were they doing on the other side where the body was located? Could they be behind these murders? But the way they leapt up to the building was impossible. Almost.... inhumane.

Were they human at all?

Perhaps his mind was seeing things. Perhaps what had happened this morning might have put an effect on him. Of course. That must be it. There was no way he could hear the mysterious person's voice so near to his ear while he was so far.

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