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'Umm...excuse me?'


'What-what are you?'

It lets out a breathy laugh

'Every day you ask the same question,'

'And I still didn't get a straight answer,'

A small scoff

'That's not the question you should be asking,

'The question you should ask is...

'What are we?'

'...I don't understand,'

'Hmm...how should I put this?

'I'm not a persona if that's what you're wondering,'

'What do you mean?'

'Let's say...we both are the same thing. I am not a creature who feasts in your head or takes over your body or anything

'Let's just say...you're the angel

'And I'm the devil,'

'So you're like...my alter-ego?'

'You can say that. We both are always in a conflict you see,

'You, reflect on what deeds you commit. You hesitate, you ponder, you doubt. I don't do anything like that,

'I confront you on what you do. I tell you it is what you are supposed to do. I tell you it is all part of your life.

'I am the one who makes you feel better about it,'

There is echoing silence.

Then desperate sobs

'Why do we have to do this?'

'This isn't the first time you've had a breakdown,

'Stay strong young one,'

'I can't. I see them every day. Their horrified faces I don't wanna be the bad guy. In the end, all the fingers point at me. Why? Why me?'

The sobs continue for some time

'It is ok to cry. If you feel upset about something it is better to let out the pain,

' but there is no need for you to hold the blame for something which isn't your responsibility. You have no control over it. You shouldn't blame yourself for this,'

'Are you saying this because you have to?'

A small tired chuckle

'I am saying this because there is nothing else for me to say. I can't help you...we can't help ourselves...until there is a cure for it,'

'Is there?'

A long silence

'Not yet,'

A defeated sigh of desperation

'All diseases have a cure, young sanity,

' And until we can find one, just remember this,

'Don't let the curse eat you up. No...

'Don't give me a reason to hold your weak state and eat you up.

'Do not end up like your father,'

'Then...what should I do? Please tell me what I should do?'

'Work with me and pray that you can get out of this,

'Because at the end of the day, no matter how hopeless it may get,

'Your prayers will be heard,'

'Will they?'

'No plea for help ever goes unheard,

'And I'm sure someone will respond to yours,'

Hunted Predator [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now