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Layla walked around the library, making her way back to the table where Helen and Dani sat, letting them know the past papers they were asking for were already issued that she stopped and glanced into one section of shelves, and soon enough found herself in this small corridor of aligned books, each holding unique knowledge of what had passed.

She walked around and reached for an abandoned rack of books clustered around. She picked one and started skimming through it, catching a few titles and dates in the blur of pages.

Why do they intrigue me when I know all of it?

She glanced around the shelves of abundant books in different sizes and lengths, each holding the same knowledge but in different perspectives, some described in great details, some summarised, some holding all the timelines, some highlighted the main events, some biased, some unbiased, some with true events, and some with a few twists and beliefs of their own.

She felt someone making their way towards her. She turned her head, awaiting the person to come forth. She was met with an unfocused but relieved smile, posture turning loose and calming.

'Oh hello. Are you here to study as well?'

'No, the others are. I was just looking around,' Layla smiled, glancing at the id card which hung from his neck, 'so you work here?'

Joseph nodded walking to the rack of the books

'Yeah I'm like a part-timer,' he peeked at the book Layla held in her hand. He slowly pointed at it, ' did you take it from the rack or the shelf?'

'The rack,' she replied

'Do you wish to issue it?' he asked, with slight formality in his tone. Layla shook her head, placing it back on the rack

'I was just looking at it,' she replied

'Oh...what about your exams...oh wait you don't take...'

'I don't take History, yeah.I am just interested in it,' she smiled. Joseph returned it, and Layla could see his composure turning more relaxed, meaning whatever was bothering him was now at the back of his head. Layla decided not to prompt the thought in case if it bother him more and kept to himself

He must be getting caught or so...

Layla glanced at him, who had started picking the books and started placing them on the shelves. She followed his fingers move with motion, placing each book in the long almost never-ending shelves.

'Doesn't it fascinate you?' she asked in wonder. She could have helped herself if she wanted but for a certain reason, she felt as if he were to be someone not to bash on people with different opinions, seeing how he did not prompt further with a certain complaint about working or hating books or how he remained silent on her choices of drinks.

Did he seem different to Layla? or was it his aura that seemed to make her feel so?

'What fascinates me?' he asked, his head turning in her direction. He seemed to always be alert. His composure was the same as how it was when they met earlier; his body tensed, eyes alert, almost like a cautious rabbit

'How people have recorded whatever happened before we existed...' She placed her fingers on one of the books close to her, 'How they have recorded how different things were...how everyone lived lives in different forms...how their hardships were different, joys, traditions, way of living, way of thinking. It all just seems so wondrous..'

She felt as if all she had ever read were to play in front of her in reality. As if she had been there. It truly dwelled here in the wonders of how times got dwindled on and how the mind improved and learned from small gestures and acts in their lives.

Hunted Predator [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now