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'Well I hope to see you again on our next follow up session,'

'Thank you sir,'

'Until next week Adam,'

Adam leaned and shook Mr Arifin's hand, and left with a strained smile on his face, hoping it didn't twitch. He closed the door behind him and looked around the corridor, seeing no one in sight yet. He took this opportunity and out a tired sigh, clutching his throbbing head. He remained there for a while before making his way to the elevator. He fished out his phone and turned off the airplane mode and see a ton of messages pour out, mainly coming from their group chat, Sammy asking him if he was free this weekend (sent from his mum's phone) and "Psychopath", who said he was by the reception waiting for him. he looked up at the elevator opening and seeing a black middle aged lady who was present in the elevator smile at him as he made his way in. He smiled back and said 'hello' and the two shared silence throughout the ride.

It had been three months now but with the constant sessions of Psychotherapy every Saturday still made him ill for simply "just talking" about things he knows cannot rewind or come back. Although he had started to slightly feel better now, the guilt of the fact that he was making his family pay for his sessions, started to make him feel like a bigger burden and wouldn't seem to leave him. No matter how many times Julia assured him, the slight uncertainty was still there.

The doors of the elevator parted and he walked towards the reception and saw Zack waiting there already. He smiled and walked towards him and they greeted each other.

'How did it go?' he asked.

'It was alright,' he muttered in response, greeting the receptionist farewell.

Zack smiled and patted his back, draping the long beige coat he most probably snuck out from his father's closet tighter around himself as the open door bought in the chilly breeze 

'Lets go. We need to stop by somewhere. By the way your bag is in the car. Julia dropped it off,'

Adam looked questioningly. It wasn't that it was something out of the blue, as his sister would sometimes drop his luggage by Zack if she was not going to be home that night, but he didn't recall her informing anything about it yesterday.

'Why did she?' he asked.

'She said she is going to stay somewhere overnight. She said you'd know so...' Zack shrugged and left the statement there, eyeing Adam to know the answer.

Adam rolled his eyes as the reason dawned on him, 'Oh no,'

Zack laughed airily before following him even without knowing the exact reason, but seeing him have that face was enough to satisfy him. They walked towards his father's car, a white colored Ford Focus which he had recently bought to teach him driving, which he had now gotten the hang of it, and would now drive his friends where they wanted to apart from Joseph, who was maybe the only one from them with his own car while the others owned a bike at the least. 

Adam got into the car and threw his bulked bag in the back seat, seating himself on the passenger seat.

'So where are we headed?' Adam asked as he wore the seatbelt around him

'Luke called. He wanted to invite us on a "group study"' Zack replied, as he checked his rear view mirror and started his car, his voice thickening with emphasis on the last part. Adam took a glance at Zack who noticed his gaze and let out a snort.

'Are you sure it was Luke and not some guy who wanted to bite the teacher's head off?'

'What?' Zack was now clutching hard on the stirring wheel as his body shook in laughter.

Hunted Predator [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now