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Snape and i were currently getting ready to start the day. I ended up sleeping over for....obvious reasons.

"Does this mean I get to call you Severus now?" I gave him a cheeky grin waiting for an answer.

"In private princess. You have to be respectful around people though."

"We'll see." I left his place walking down the hallway. No one was in the hallways because it was early. I made sure to wake up early so no one would be awake to see me leave Severus' place.

I used my magic to cover up my bruises. Honestly it's a bit weird that Severus hasn't asked me how I can do magic without my wand. I have my wand in my pocket but I only use it when I do magic around people.

Pushing the thought aside I slowly make my way to the great hall. Only a handful of the early risers were in here. And only two professors were sitting at their table.

A couple people looked at me because I usually wasn't here this early. None the less I sit at my usual spot and get some raspberries, a bagel with strawberry cream cheese, and some milk.

Last night kept replaying in my head. My body still sore from what had happened. And thats when I saw him. Severus walked into the great hall making his way to his seat. He glanced over at me for a split second and I can't help but let the flashbacks from last night flood in. His flexed chest hovering over me. His hands choking me. The way he felt inside of me..... fuck. No. Push down those thoughts. Not now. I can't think about them now.

"Are you alright Ms Prince?" I look up and see Professor Dumbledore towering over me.

"Actually do you have time to talk today?"

"If I'm correct you have a free period after defense against the dark arts?"

"Yessir. What's the password to your office today?"

"Bearpuff." I smile slightly as he walks off.

Then see Snape intensely looking at me. He must think something is wrong. That we're in trouble. I give him a reassuring smile and finish my food.

That's when Pansy Parkinson walked in....

"Don't think you're safe Prince. Very far from it actually. Watch your back." She growled and went to turn around. As she walked I rolled my eyes and used my magic to trip her and give her a bloody nose.

Her friends went to check on her and one of the Professors walked in seeing her fall. Why would she suspect me. There's nothing I did that anyone else saw that made me suspicious.

Further embarrassing her the teacher lifted her to her feet dragging her to madam pomfrey.

Please. I know she could never stand a chance against me. She just simply too weak.


I get to Herbology and look around to see whistling thistles runners. A spiked seed that runs really fast on two tiny legs, and the speed makes a whistling sound.

These little buggers are hard to catch and you have to wear gloves.

"Good morning everyone. If you haven't already guessed we are working with whistling thistle runners. Be mindful not to open any doors while handling them. A loose one in the school will cause chaos until caught. If the get in dirt, they start growing instantly. Almost impossible to kill off if they grow outside of a pot and they grow fast. Harpé crows love to eat them and they're the only thing that can really kill them off. But this animal also kills other ecosystems." She holds up a glass square containing one of the spastic seeds already trying to run around but can't due to the closed and sealed box. "After I finish instructions you will do exactly as I've done. First take long tweezers and slightly open the lid. So the tweezers can enter but the seed can't exit. Then grab the seed and dip it in the yellow solution in front of you the potion provided by Professor Snape will stun it so it will stop moving."

Fuck I had done so good with keeping my mind busy and not think about him. Her mentioning him brought everything back. My legs felt like jelly at just the thought. But of course Professor Sprout didn't know this and kept talking.

"Once the seed is stunned you will put it into the bowl and grind it into dust." Yo wtf that took a dark turn. "Begin."

Some of the students mingled as they did they're work. Of course I stayed quiet doing the task.

"Hey. I'm Cash. I was wondering if you'd like to go to Diagon Alley with me this weekend?" A 6th year griffindor came up to me with a prideful grin. So sure that I would say yes.

"Stay where you belong kid." I bottled the dust I had finished and walked up to Professor Sprout and handed it to her.

"Perfect. Thank you." She handed it back to me and I went back to my place. Waiting for instructions.

The last few people finished and got approval that it was done right and the Professor started to give the next set of instructions.

"As you see there is also a net placed above you. I will give you a spell and if used properly it will turn the thistle dust into a brown fake butterfly. The butterfly is used for healing and will land on any injuries. So if you have any cuts or bruises, one of your butterflies will land and absorb into the injury. Slowly healing it. This is used for minor injuries. Grab them once they fly into the net and put them in these big jars. The spell is pronounced 'clarevolter.' Begin."

I did as instructed and one butterfly flew into each wrist and one to my neck. Let me tell I could've thanked god himself that no one noticed.

I caught the other four and put them into a jar before screwing the lid on. The little butterflies where about the size of a muggle dime.


Class was dismissed, lunch went by fast, DADA went by fast, and now was my free period. I actually had many questions I want to ask Dumbledore.

So of course I practically ran to his office. Saying the word. Then walking in.

"That was fast. Must be important."

"It is. Can I ask a few questions about my father?"

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