Chapter 9

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Mirabelle's POV: As I came back to see my friends looking for me around the entrance, I ran into their arms. Everything came out at once. Viola stopped me, saying, Hold up, slow down, elves, a shadow person, what? Elder emerged from the depths of my gemstone, her presence a cool, steady current in the tempest of emotions that engulfed me as I returned to my friends.

Jack, I understand your skepticism, but I ask you to give me a chance to show you who I am. I am well aware of the history between humans and the other races, and it is precisely why I am here. Let me assure you that I am not here to take over; my purpose is to offer help. I am fully committed to protecting this realm and its people, even those who have wronged it in the past. However, this does not mean that I will forget or forgive everything. I am willing to make an effort to understand. If you ever need proof of my intentions, feel free to ask.

Finn's curiosity was piqued by the lively atmosphere in the community. The elves were celebrating their recent victory, filling the air with the enchanting sounds of harp music. As people danced joyously around the crackling fire, Finn stood up from the log we had been sitting on and remarked, "It looks like so much fun." Feeling the same way, I nodded and gestured towards the festive gathering, expressing my desire to join in. Making my way towards the elder, who was seated in her cozy cottage, I noticed her engrossed in writing on a delicate leaf with a quill. Curious, I asked, "What are you writing?" Looking up at me with a warm smile, she replied, "Just a letter to the other elf species in Fantasia, informing them that your friends have arrived." Her words filled me with a sense of anticipation. "They have been eagerly searching for someone like you," she added.

She put the letter in the envelope and, walking up to an archer, waited for a bird to come by. It flew away with the letters. The bird seemed to know exactly where to go, as if it was guided by some unseen force. As she watched the bird disappear into the distance, she felt a sense of relief wash over her. She had done what she needed to do.

Viola examined the journal and my notes, attempting to piece them together. She turned to Elder and asked, "Do you know if the spell he cast is still affecting you? Is the symbol merely a mark?" As Viola sifted through the notes and journal, she continued, "Can you tell if the spell still holds power over you? If we can determine that, perhaps we can find a way to break it." Elder took a moment to ponder before replying, "It's a guild mark derived from the storyteller book. That's all I know. If one of us gets injured, we can sense it. It's like an unbroken connection until the caster dispels it," she explained. Viola nodded, absorbing this information. "Alright, then our priority is to locate the caster or someone who can assist us in removing the mark," she declared, determination etched on her face. "But first, let's get you out of here. We can discuss further during our journey." "Wait, some of my friends are still around Fantasia," he said before heading out. They can assist you on your journey and provide you with a map showing where they were. My friend is keeping an eye on the Dune elves in the closet."

Jack has been getting everything done as the Elder told us. Kai has also been asking me personal questions like, Am I sure if I wanted to do this for me or others? I am special and don't need this to make me special. "I'm sure you have questions, so I'll answer them "now, about the map. The portal to the human world is marked with a red X. The portal to the elven world is marked with a green circle. And the portal to the dwarven world is marked with a blue square. We'll help you navigate your way through each world, but ultimately, it will be up to you to find the charms and return them to their rightful places. Are there any questions before we begin?"

Leaving the forest, there was a plate of responsibility attached to me. I always wanted a more involved role but never thought of something like this happening. If I am following the hero's journey, the wearer in right now would step on test, allies, and enemies. I had to be cautious and wise in my decisions, for they would shape not only my life but the lives of those around me. Jack listened intently, trying to gather as much information as he could. "So, um, what kinds of other kingdoms are there? Are there any humans or dwarves or anything like that?" He asked, "We don't have too much information about other kingdoms, but there are other species of elves and bulls, as far as I know."

A desert where the Earth elves lived, just like the Elder said, was filled with rolling sand dunes and towering rock formations. The air was hot and dry, and the sand crunched beneath our feet as we made our way to the coordinates marked on the map. The sun beat down relentlessly, making it difficult to see more than a few feet ahead, but somehow, amidst this harsh environment, the Earth elves had managed to carve out a life for themselves.

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